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How quickly do I need to get new shells for new crabs?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:34 pm
by Ravenstag
Hey, everyone. I don't have any hermies in my care yet, right now I'm still in the process of making my supplies shopping list and figuring out the timeline for getting my crabitat set up. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like empty shells probably aren't something I can buy ahead of time because of making sure they're sized right to the crab, so I was wondering how quickly after I adopt my crabs do I need to worry about getting them new shells? Like, will they get distressed if I don't provide them fresh shells within the first few days, or do I have more leeway time in getting them? Thanks in advance!

Re: How quickly do I need to get new shells for new crabs?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:57 pm
by daws409
If ordering shells (what most do because offer wider selection of sizes) it can take 2-3 wks to receive them. I would pick a few shells from where ever you get the crabs from. You can also run out to a craft store and pick up a bag of shells for little to nothing. I think a few days with just a few shell's wouldn't hurt them. I also suggest at least 4-5 shells per crab of different sizes.

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Re: How quickly do I need to get new shells for new crabs?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:46 pm
by LadyJinglyJones
Also, it can be surprising how quickly a crab might grow in a couple of molts, so you might want to procure a selection of shells a bit large for your crabs (as well as ones that fit) so you won't be caught short when a crab comes up bigger than you expected.

Re: How quickly do I need to get new shells for new crabs?

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:27 pm
by aussieJJDude
Depending on how you get your crabs - shop or adopt - you could go in store ahead of time and see the sizes available... and what crabs are in your price range or looking to start with. Most people are drawn to smaller crabs, especially if they start with a 10g. From there, you can roughly estimate their size - golf ball: 1-1.5 inch shells for example... grape size >1 inch... ect - and get shells in that range. I personally wouldn't worry if they too big once you have the crabs, they will grow into them like others mentioned. And since you don't have the crabs, get a range of sizes ensures you have a good starting point. :)

Re: How quickly do I need to get new shells for new crabs?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:02 am
by Just Jay
also going the a craft store like michalles and getting a bag would be a good idea. also usually in the right conditions they will destress and even molt right away.

Re: How quickly do I need to get new shells for new crabs?

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 3:41 pm
by Ravenstag
Thanks everyone! I do plan on getting crabs from the pet store (because that's basically the only option I can find in my tiny town) so I'll go ahead of time and scope out crab sizes. I totally forgot that craft store shells were an option, lol, so I'll grab some of those in appropriate sizes as a stopgap til I can order some other ones.

Re: How quickly do I need to get new shells for new crabs?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:32 am
by WhimsyMimsyMo
You can actually get NICE shells in craft stores. Turbos and murex chock full in a bag for like 3 dollars here.