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Fashionista shell snobs

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:57 pm
by Crabnado
My crabs are snobs. I made the mistake of giving them polished shells on Amazon and now they don't want anything but.

I understand the draw: The polished shells are lighter than the unpolished but still dark enough to feel safe in. They look awesome. They're smooth so they probably feel awesome. But even the little crabs have been trying to trade up and the only polished ones I got were for the bigger guys. So now I'm having to buy smaller polished shells so the little ones will stop wearing shells that are 8 times too big for them.

Re: Fashionista shell snobs

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:54 pm
by CrabsterBecks
LOL. My first reaction to this was extreme humor, but I can see the little fix that you're in right now.....

Re: Fashionista shell snobs

Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 5:31 am
by ciaraalston
Same here. I immediately thought this was so cute and laughed, but i totally see your struggle. You're a great crab momma though! I'm sure they really do appreciate the nice fancy shels :D :D