I just looked over the shell chart to see if I hopefully ordered the right size. The chart looks pretty confusing at first but isn't too bad once it's broken down. I had to reread wolfnipplechips explanation a few times to understand it.
Here is what I took from the explanations of how it works.
Right of Graph: Shell Length
Lower Graph: Shell Opening
Red dots: Actual Measurements of shells (Length & Width)
Black Solid Line: Average Length and Opening (since it is an average and no two shells are alike this will vary)
Blue Dash Lines: Shells with a specific Shell Opening Size will average between the these two lines.
Green Dash Lines: Based on data collected this is narrowing down the variance based on the information collected.
The green dash curves more based on the actual measurements and how much variance was noted with similar size and opening.
Here's the quick crash course.
Find the shell type you want to purchase.
Decide what size opening you want.
Draw a straight line up to intersect the Solid Black Solid Line.
From that point go straight across to the Shell Length
Where the Solid Black Line intersects the Opening and Width is what was averaged.
Lets do one, Green Turbo shells.
Say you want a Green Turbo with a 1" opening
Measure straight up to the black line from the 1" opening mark
Measure straight across to Shell Length (about a quarter of the way between 2" and 2 1/2". Half way between them would be a 2 1/4" so this intersection meets at about 2 1/8")
A 2 1/8" Turbo should have an 1" opening
The blue line tells you that an 1" opening will be in a shell length between 1 3/4"- 2 1/2" 95% of the time
A 1 1/4" Green Turbo opening should be on an average 2 1/2" length shell.
3/4" Opening should be on an average 1 3/4" length shell
If everyone's brain is hurting from that explanation here is the link to what I am referring to.
http://www.hermitcrabassociation.com/ph ... 24&t=84333