Shell overcrowding?
Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:41 am
I’ve had a severe case of shell aggression where a crab was killed. After that horrible event, I have greatly increased the number of shells in the tank. I had 8 crabs, now 7, and had 28 shells, now 35, replaced some less preferred varieties. Is I used to keep them all in the second floor of the tank, but thought that was too crowded with the added shells, so I’ve “scattered them around the tank”. But basically it’s a huge pile over about 1/3 of the free sand space. Is this correct? Are we supposed to keep all extra shells in the habitat all the time or rotate them out? So confused! Thank you for any input.
I’ve had a severe case of shell aggression where a crab was killed. After that horrible event, I have greatly increased the number of shells in the tank. I had 8 crabs, now 7, and had 28 shells, now 35, replaced some less preferred varieties. Is I used to keep them all in the second floor of the tank, but thought that was too crowded with the added shells, so I’ve “scattered them around the tank”. But basically it’s a huge pile over about 1/3 of the free sand space. Is this correct? Are we supposed to keep all extra shells in the habitat all the time or rotate them out? So confused! Thank you for any input.