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Shell selection based on appearance or fit?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:25 am
by Guest
Hi everyone! If this has been covered here, I apologize in advance--a friend of mine (who has no experience with hermit crabs) asked me this question, and I was intrigued....

Do hermit crabs base their shell selections on appearance, or merely shape/fit of shells? Has any research been done on this? In terms of mating in the wild, are they attracted to other crabs with pretty shells? Are hermit crabs vain? I've noticed a few of my crabs switching into larger shells only when new crabs are moved into the crabitat--I've wondered if they move into larger shells at this time to show their dominance.

Thoughts about any of this, anyone?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:39 am
by Guest
I don't think they care how a shell looks, but I wish they liked the prettier shells better. Last week I had a crab change into a beautiful pearl-striped tapestry turbo, but he only stayed in it a couple of days before moving into a plain turbo. Interesting point about moving into a bigger shell to show dominance though. I wonder! I have a few small PPs and many small turbos for them to choose from, but one has moved into a medium murex that's way too big for him! When he's curled up in it you can hardly see his BP. LOL But he still gets around somehow and is able to dig and everything.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:44 am
by Guest
Yeah, it really amazes me how they get around in those too-big shells!

I am still curious as to whether or not appearance plays any role in their mating, even just in terms of attracting attention....

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 2:33 pm
by Guest
Another idea of what may go into shell selection......

Sometimes the older, uglier, and more well used a shell is, the more they all want it. Crabs are able to make, "adjustments" to their shells, scraping away at the inside, trimming the opening to their liking. So often they like the older, uglier ones because they are already kind of custom fitted by other crabs.

I wonder about the dominance thing and shell size too, because sometimes it seems like my Meduims are trying to one-up each other with their shell selections. One changes into a way too big spiney shell, they all do. HAHA. :?:

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:51 am
by Guest
pp's are noted to usually go into turbos, e's into D shaped shells so I don't think that it's 'what looks best' I think they choose shells according to their body build. when it coes to mating, a freshly molted female is what the guys look for, I don't think they care about the shells...But I'm not sure about that either! LOL

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:46 pm
by Guest
I put three very pretty new shells into the habitat--one for each crab. One changed into a new shell, and another--instead of picking a new, pretty one--took the ugly, painted, orange shell that the first got rid of! I was hoping to get rid of that thing, but what Princess Peach wants, she gets.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 9:09 pm
by Guest
That's what our girls did last night. One of them moved into a nice new shell, the other took the ugly old shell the first one had vacated :?