Pics of Smelt fish bag!!

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Hermie Lover
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Pics of Smelt fish bag!!

Post by Hermie Lover » Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:58 pm

I know most of you have heard me talk about the fish called Smelt, that I feed my hermit crabs. And, most of you have told me you've had problems finding it at your local grocer.

I took some pics of the bag that may help you find them. I have 4 link pics: ... ltBag3.jpg ... ltBag2.jpg ... ltBag1.jpg ... eltBag.jpg

Here is one pic of my hermies eating the smelt, and going crazy over it.
There are many more pics of them eating it in my photo album below :) ... tFeast.jpg

Good luck to you all :)

Crabitats: 55L, 40B, 29L

Crabbin' since 97!
They are draining my savings!


Post by Guest » Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:05 pm

Thanks for the info! Thats very helpful XD I will try to find them and test for my hermies =)

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Hermie Lover
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Location: Henry, VA

Post by Hermie Lover » Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:23 pm

Not a problem :)

Mine will run to this every time it enters the food dish. And will pick it to the bone!

It needs to be changed out the next day, within 24 hours. Just drop a piece in some warm water, let it thaw, and then put it right in the tank as it is - raw.

Watch though, b/c most will try to drag it off and hide it :)

Crabitats: 55L, 40B, 29L

Crabbin' since 97!
They are draining my savings!


Post by Guest » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:48 pm

I found some frozen smelt in the grocery store (Publix), and put a whole one in the tat, but no takers. I have 8 PPs, and have tried everything in the seafood dept, but they have not been too interested :evil: . I am still adding the smelt ( I put slices in) to see if they will go for it. The only thing I know they eat always, is NarNar's food. Now I just have to get some of her seafood mix, and I'll be all set :D


Post by Guest » Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:53 pm

mine didn't like smelt either, i tried it once before i got the silversides. i found some at the seafood dept. at my grocery store though. i felt a little silly asking the person for only like 4 of those tiny fish, but i figured it would be better than them not liking them and having tons left over. i noticed with the silversides mine tend to eat the head first...which i realize sounds gross, but the brain and eyes would have the most protien. so i'm thinking mine didn't like the smelt cos the heads are cut off usually. i love watching them go at food like that! cute pics! :D


re: Nar Nars sea food menu

Post by Guest » Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:00 pm

Sorry, I don't know how to do that quote thing. I just copied and pasted the info from NarNar's post...... :P I don't know when this new one will be ready, I didn't see it in the store yet??? Hey NarNar.....bail me out here LOL :oops:

Joined: 13 Oct 2003
Location: Northglenn, Colorado
Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:54 pm Post subject:


I made the seafood order this morning so I should have all the stuff to make the seafood dinner and the sampler soon! Im going to Wild Oats tonight to gather foods to start the drying process *excited* I dont have any homework this weekend so I finally get to get the store all caught up and finish some other things!!

Thalia, I have heard that from a couple people that bf works with...they think I need to go market it to PetCo/PetSmart. My only worry is that the food will have to contain preservatives b/c of the shelflife it will need to have. Unless they would be willing to stock it in the freezer...but then how many people visit the freezer on a regualr basis for hermit crab food?? *I do haha *
NasTang crabby since 9/02- 41hc's, bettas, danio, platies, blue crayfish & his minnows, fiddlers, 2 kitties & oh-so tolerant bf!
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