Organic Baby Food and oatmeal

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Organic Baby Food and oatmeal

Post by Guest » Sun Aug 31, 2008 1:26 am

Can they eat any flavor? And what's the best flavors to give crabs? I'm thinking about buying some baby food for the two crabs I have but I'm not sure what flavors would be best for them.

And with oatmeal. Can they have any brand of oatmeal as long as it's original and not flavored?

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Post by Guest » Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:07 am

I guess depending on what's in the half the products will depend on what you feed them. I have heard a lot of people use baby foods such as fruits etc as they don't have any preservatives in them or any added extra sugar or salt just because it could do more harm than good.

I have been directed towards this topic a few times so now you may find it handy. viewtopic.php?t=34747, as for oatmeal as long as it has no sugar or salt added or any preservatives (mainly salt based) should be ok.

Check the list there to write down the dangerous things. As long as its all natural you should be ok. I know most people here just feed fresh fruits and such though. As well as some members using baby foods.

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Post by MamaZelly » Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:57 am

As far as I know, there aren't any crabby un-safe baby foods. Oatmeal, as long as it is JUST oatmeal (as stated previously) is great. Also, don't forget about protein. They need it to survive.
ZellyBelly, Mama to Sophie & Gus (the human babies).

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Post by Guest » Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:55 am

I plan on giving them some eggs soon for protein.

I do put dried shrimp in their tank, but I don't know if they've eaten it yet. Does that give them protein?

I'll be going out to get a bunch of new stuff to give them, like organic pasta, bananas, carrots, eggs with egg shells, baby food, oatmeal. Would I mix all the food up in their bowl or would I just keep them separated and let them choose what they want? Would that be a good mixture of food for them or should I be adding something else to their diet as well?

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Post by MamaZelly » Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:22 pm

Mango wrote:I plan on giving them some eggs soon for protein.

I do put dried shrimp in their tank, but I don't know if they've eaten it yet. Does that give them protein?
Yup, that's protein!

Mango wrote:I'll be going out to get a bunch of new stuff to give them, like organic pasta, bananas, carrots, eggs with egg shells, baby food, oatmeal. Would I mix all the food up in their bowl or would I just keep them separated and let them choose what they want? Would that be a good mixture of food for them or should I be adding something else to their diet as well?
I like to make separate little piles in the food dish so I can tell what they liked and what they didn't. Also, if you have nice neat little piles, you can tell if they at least rummaged through it, or if nobody went to the food dish at all. I guess I just like to keep track... :roll:
ZellyBelly, Mama to Sophie & Gus (the human babies).

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Post by Guest » Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:31 pm

I boiled an egg and chopped it up and I mixed egg shells in with it. I removed the middle part of the egg though. Next time I'll leave it in for them. Now all I have to do is wait and see if they'll eat it...

I can only see one of the crabs at the moment because the other buried itself under the sand during the day. :shock: I hope he's okay. D:

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Post by Guest » Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:13 am

Ohhh, the yolks are the best parts for your hermies!
