What's on today's menu & recipe sharing ~2012~

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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by mrscrabmadness » Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:08 pm

worm poo, oak leaves, acorn shell powder, sweet corn

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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by darkbookworm13 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:24 pm

dried food bowl: hermie kibble (chopped puffed cereals, blood worms, chamomile flowers, dried fruit, un-popped popcorn, paprika, millet, rodent seed mix, dried insect mix, dried brine shrimp) with hibiscus flowers, shredded nori, brine shrimp, and dried millet

fresh food bowl: a wedge of roma tomato, chopped banana, very ripe kiwi, a wedge of cactus pear, scrambled eggs a'la hermit crab (eggs cooked with shells, dried insects, blood worms, and brine shrimp) all with real maple syrup drizzled on top.

My dinner? Two pieces of pepperoni pizza, some orange juice, and chopped kiwi. My dad said that they were eating better than we were, lol, isn't that the truth? They are very spoiled crabbies
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Post by Rocky » Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:43 am

Tonight was kind of a lazy meal, good thing I have my freezer! I have a bunch of fruits and veggies chopped up in a baggie in the freezer, so I can just pull out a few bits and pieces for variety. I also have some leftover frozen ommlette I forgot about :clap: I hope it's not too old, it looks ok :)
I have frozen apple, fresh carrot, dehydrated banana, crushed pumpkin/sunflower seeds, crabby ommlette, frozen blueberries, cuttlebone powder and shrimp powder, and a special treat: A sprout! I've been germinating bean sprouts so I can feed something alive and growing to the crabbies, and tonight a couple sprouts were growing pretty well, so I tossed them in :) I'm hoping they're a hit! They're really easy to grow, just some dechlor water and paper towel in a plastic baggie, and you're set ;)

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What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by Pogueskiss » Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:38 pm

Strawberries, blue berries, beef and cod

Rose petals, pumpkin seed, dried meal worms and red shrimp, coconut flakes, raspberry leaf, walnut- with smear of honey on the side
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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by hermit lover 09 » Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:24 pm

Tonight they are having:

Potatoes (with applesauce)
Steak (not spiced)
Blood worms
Dry mixed food

I have to slowly wean them off of the store bought stuff, that isnt so great for them. So i had to add some of that in to 1. use it up 2. Wean them :crabbigsmile:

Hope they enjoy
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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by Anorable » Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:43 pm

Orange chunks, chicken, dandelions

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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by TheGreenOne » Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:00 pm

I currently have a lot of pp's. I was wondering what type of foods i should feed them so they start to get a brighter blue/red coloring

Also for tonight:
Raw apple
Raw carrot
Ammarth(or however u spell it)
Hermit Crab variety Bites
Raw spagetti
Dried raisins
*carrots, apple, and spagetti are chopped up*
I will post in the morning what they enjoyed:)
Edit: Morning!

They seemed to like some of it. This morning I decided to now have a fresh food dish and a dry/not fresh dish. This way I dont have to throw everything out.
-Peanut Butter
-Burning bush leaves and stems
-hermit crab variety bites

Also, how often do you guys
feed your crabs? How often do you change the food? And do you ever just take it out?

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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by RedbirdFL » Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:42 am

I like your idea of having a fresh dish and a dry dish. I feed my crabs and change out their food at least every other day, sometimes every day, depending on how much of it they ate and whether or not they trashed their food dish.

How many crabs do you have? That looks like a lot more food than I put out for my 8 crabs.
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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by TheGreenOne » Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:04 am

Oh really? I have a 8 too i think. Three medium pp's a large pp and three smalls(i think...or two..) I havent ever been sure how much to feed and how often. Should I change the food once a day? Or morning and night? How much do you feed your crabs?

**Sent from my phone, excuse any mistakes:)**

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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by Rocky » Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:53 pm

They can really pack away food sometimes! I feel it's best to have a little extra in case anyone's feeling unusually hungry.
This was the bowl a couple nights ago before it went in


This was the bowl the next morning!

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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by kuza » Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:28 pm

I have 4 crabs on the surface and I always put out too much i find. And I change my food every 2 days and water every 3.

I fond a good trick is to remove all the food about 5 hours before I put in new food. That way i can put in food that was there the day before and they will eat it. They need a good 4-5 hours of no longer smelling a specific food in order to eat it again.

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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by TheGreenOne » Sun Apr 15, 2012 2:50 pm

Hmmm I think I will cut down on rations I give the crabs. I think having two swoerate dishes, one fresh one dry, will also help me see how much food I actually have. Right now I have a small, who just switched shells, a medium who just molted, another new medium, and my new large all up.

**Sent from my phone, excuse any mistakes:)**

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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by Rocky » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:08 pm

No pic today, sorry :(
Tonight I tried mealworms for the first time! It kind of broke my heart to have to squish their heads though :( I had been hoping that some would have died and that I could just scoop them out.
So, tonight:
Yellow bell pepper and seeds
Snap peas
And some yummy calcium stuff on top :)
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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by wodesorel » Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:24 am

(You don't have to pre-kill mealworms! Just use a bowl they can't escape from and the hermits will do the dirty work for you. :) I've also dumped a couple dozen of them in my moss pit for hermit hunting fun and none of them survived! :shock: )
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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Post by Rocky » Tue Apr 24, 2012 9:17 am

Phew! Good to hear, because I can't do it a second time :shock:
Thanks :D
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