Are Snap Pea Plants Safe?

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Re: Are Snap Pea Plants Safe?

Post by aussieJJDude » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:10 am

Ummm, is there a difference between a pothos and a golden pothos? I thought they were the same type of plant, at most the golden one is a variegated version of a pothos...

But if these plants work out for you, I'll highly recommend looking into the prayer plant. They rock - and pretty hardy too.
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Re: Are Snap Pea Plants Safe?

Post by wodesorel » Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:09 am

It's the same thing.
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Re: Are Snap Pea Plants Safe?

Post by TigerLily » Thu Dec 03, 2015 1:56 pm

I thought they were different varieties...? Well I guess I can just let hang it on my curtain rod from now on. It's really pretty, so I have no problem with it even if it is toxic. Anyway the spider plants are sending out flower stalks and there are a few mature ones almost ready to bloom!

So, I tried to find out if the prayer plant is toxic and apparently it's not toxic to dogs or cats. Could this plant take the place of the pothos?

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Re: Are Snap Pea Plants Safe?

Post by wodesorel » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:52 pm

Keep in mind that hermits are crustaceans and nothing that is toxic to humans or dogs or cats or horses or cows applies to them. Closest thing that you can go by is what safe for insects, or what is know to get insect damage. Also things that are known to be aquarium safe.

I've used pothos in my tanks without issues. I just don't bother because the crabs killed it.
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Re: Are Snap Pea Plants Safe?

Post by TigerLily » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:20 pm

Thanks! I understand that they are crustaceans, but since most of the plants deemed safe for hermit crabs are dog, cat and human safe also (to the extent of my knowledge). Aquarium safe stuff is no problem, since I do have quite a few fish tanks. Also good news, my smaller wood pieces came today! I will be setting up the background and decorations, but I'm still waiting for the play sand for the substrate and my lid. Then I will be getting the crabs one at a time with a 2 week period of quarantine and careful watching (so I'm getting a crab every 2 weeks, unless something happens and they need longer). Thank you guys so much for all your help!!!

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Re: Are Snap Pea Plants Safe?

Post by jillybeans » Fri Sep 02, 2016 12:43 pm

nepenthes wrote:I take lots of back up cuttings of wax begonias, spider plants, and wandering jew. I have two pots of pothos outside of the enclosure that I try to keep multiplying. I have a few pots of opuntia cactus. I'm trying to make room for seedlings. So far there's evening primrose and snapdragon growing ever so slowly. I also have the 9 pots of sugarloaf pineapple. I have several cuttings of nepenthes but I keep them out of reach of the torts. Apparently, nepenthes isn't really toxic, but I'd rather keep my carnivorous plants safe. I have other types of plants, but the ones listed (except the seedlings) are the best plants to replicate.

I didn't know crabs liked/could have wandering jew. I had a bunch hanging on my deck last year! Shame

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Re: Are Snap Pea Plants Safe?

Post by Crabby Witch » Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:31 pm

nepenthes wrote:
TigerLily wrote:What about a passionflower vine?
Passiflora is toxic. How about pothos or lipstick vine (aeschynanthus radicans)? Both do well in a warm, humid environment. My question is, how will you grow plants in a hermit crab medium?

I'm wondering if plants deemed safe for omnivorous reps also work for hermit crabs. If not, please disregard my suggestions.

** Just double checked the "do not feed" list and golden pothos is listed. Pothos is not a philodendron (which is toxic) nor are they related. For some reason the two have been labeled interchangeable and so people believe pothos to be toxic. It could still be, but I've had no issues with pothos consumption by tortoises (but again, don't know if hermit crabs are different) for almost 3 years. Just curious and always learning. Sorry if I threadjacked.
It says passionflower and passion fruit are OK? in the safe food not the vine????? THIS NEEDS TO BE STATED BETTER, WHEN A FLOWER IS OK, BUT NOT THE VINE, OR ROOT, OR gets VERY, confusing! Thanks
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Re: Are Snap Pea Plants Safe?

Post by aussieJJDude » Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:06 am

Remember, we don't know for certain what is toxic and what isn't toxic for crabs... I remember reading a few years back people are testing if dairy is actually harmful to the crabs... Its believed that there is not harmful effect (some say that their crabs loved it!) but honestly; it hasn't been 100% proven. ;) read it here

So, the crabitat community is constantly evolving! So passionfruit vines could be safe for crabs, however a lot of our "theories" are taken from their cousins: other crustaceans & insects. If it doesn't mention the vine in the safe food list, it means either its not safe due to insufficient evidence or evidence suggesting that its harmful to crabs.
But really, I don't understand how it can get more clearer than now? Probably due to me being familiar with it, but if it isn't on the list I would just assume its "unsafe".
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