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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 3:50 pm
by Sunndannce

Unseasoned cooked ground beef, pineapple and banana, some granola with honey, river shrimp and a frozen blueberry. (Which leaves purple trails in the sand when drug off. At least I'm not playing hunt for the blueberry!)

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 10:43 pm
by MuseCrazy
Moose poop! Salmon, brine shrimp, Wode's fruit and pollen mix sprinkled with spirulina powder.
When I got home from work most of the salmon was gone and Thing 1 (or Thing 2) was tearing off a chunk of poop so hard it caused him to fall backwards :hlol:

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 8:36 am
by imallsmiles1431
Shrimp, kiwi, strawberries and peanut butter! :)

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 11:32 am
by lefty
3 dishes, large=mouse, blueberries and coconuts and garden salad, small=homepopped popcorn with honey , then the dry that has the strw from hcp and cod-liver soaked reishi mushroom slice

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 6:01 pm
by Amazilia
Fresh watermelon chunk, pumpkin baby food, bee pollen, sorghum sticks and a little bit of egg yolk placed inside an egg shell I saved from cooking :) (sorghum sticks from HCG).

Edited to add today's: Calcium circle crumbs (HCG), ground popcorn, carrot and beet pulp, fireweed flowers, amaranth (heartman's giant also from HCG) and blood worms :) Mmmm

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:36 pm
by HandyHermits
brine shrimp and a smoothy cube (strawberry,banana,cucumber and meat blended and frozen) yum!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 1:26 pm
by CallaLily
Sunndannce wrote:Image!)
Love the leaf dish!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:52 pm
by CallaLily
Breakfast for dinner! Ok so I didn't even realize it looked like a little breakfast until after I put it together. :lol:

Cantaloupe guts/seeds, chicken liver, soft boiled egg, cilantro, and Papaya Pecan Pancake.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:11 pm
by mom23
Calla~minus the chicken liver that looks good enough for me to eat. :). I like your dish. Looks like it holds quite a bit. I need new ones so I'm not using so many.

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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 10:05 pm
by CallaLily
They seemed to enjoy it. :D I got that dish with the 5 adoptees/75g from Maryland. I used a few smaller dishes before for the PPs but now I just have that one and a smaller one for their mineral powder and crushed oyster shells. The Es have similar sized dishes too.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:00 pm
by CallaLily
Tilapia, sea lettuce, dried clover, dried tomato, dried banana, butternut squash puree, maple leaf, quinoa.


Hehe, Niphredil's already in the dish. :D

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 8:09 pm
by courtbri
Strawberry, broccoli, fig, crushed egg shell. They are turning their noses up at everything. Everything I feed them is left untouched. Not sure if I should be concerned.

New mom to 2 PP's- Paul & Juan and 2 E's- Harry and Sarge. Also 1 Yorkie-Joey and 1 cat-Milo and 2 teenage daughters.... Sanity anyone?

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 3:10 am
by glacier44
Tonight is: Quinoa, red bell pepper, yellow tomato, natural PB (just ground up peanuts), dandelion, blueberry, and watermelon. Also a small dish of dried fruits and cuttlebone.

They've been hiding in the moss pit for 2 days de-stressing and haven't eaten. *sigh* I've smoothed out the sand so I can tell when they actually come down now. I'll just keep putting out yummy stuff and hoping they appear at some point.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 11:59 am
by CallaLily
Dried: spring greens, kale, cilantro, apple, banana, rose petals, crabapple leaves, blossoms, and twigs.

Spirulina popcorn, bee pollen, and freeze dried krill.

I also freshened the dishes of mineral supplement and crushed oyster shells.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 7:52 pm
by Bubble_hermes
Night before was Krill, purple grapes, dried mango, apple and pineapple bits with cuttlebone sprinkled onto with just a drizzle of honey… Didn't touch it at all. Last night was cooked shrimp, yellow peppers, carrots, a little bit of basil and some celery… some success. I ordered a bunch of new foods from HCP, hopefully those interest them a little more… picky buggers :roll: Maybe my biggest two are preparing to molt.