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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:37 am
by speeddemonbk
fluffy101 wrote: haha, they hardly ever finish it all, I give them small peices of each. Big enough so they can tear it up but small enough so not a lot is wasted.
Well at least they eat great! I dump a lot of fresh food out it seems. I try to think small but then I'll get carried away...

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:35 pm
by brittperry89
My crabs love CORN! I always give them a massive varity or this and that from my freezer (I have a fruits and veggies bucket that I cut up from the farmers market, also a protein bag with duck, the smolts, and meal worms as well as a poop bag of worm castings and moose and sheep poop. They also have a flower and leaf bag. I try and get a bit from each.) They ALWAYS go nuts over the corn. That was a suprise to me.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:43 pm
by speeddemonbk
Mine don't like corn, they throw it out of the food dish :/

Tonight mine get a seafood platter... salmon, clam, baby shrimp, normal sized shrimp, broccoli, and kiwi

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:15 am
by sandra03
Spongebob has a nice little buffet tonight of celery leaves, carrot, almond, peanut butter and almond butter and some clementine and his usual dried mix and cuttlebone. i never see him at the cuttlebone i should crush some onto his fresh food to make sure he's getting it maybe.

i don't eat bananas but hubby does so we usually have them around the house for him, how well does sliced up banana freeze? i was thinking of cutting one up and freezing it so i always have some on hand for the crab. otherwise most things i just cut off a sliver of whatever i'm eating :lol:

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:16 am
by speeddemonbk
I got my adoption crabs and they are a tad pale and I think they were eating fish food and not hermit crab food so they get broccoli, bell pepper, clam, salmon, shrimp, and a blackberry.

My original crabs get broccoli, avocado (new to them), bell pepper, clam, and a blackberry.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:16 pm
by fluffy
sandra03 wrote:Spongebob has a nice little buffet tonight of celery leaves, carrot, almond, peanut butter and almond butter and some clementine and his usual dried mix and cuttlebone. i never see him at the cuttlebone i should crush some onto his fresh food to make sure he's getting it maybe.

i don't eat bananas but hubby does so we usually have them around the house for him, how well does sliced up banana freeze? i was thinking of cutting one up and freezing it so i always have some on hand for the crab. otherwise most things i just cut off a sliver of whatever i'm eating :lol:
I have a whole sliced up banana. You may want to put it in another dish because once they warm up, the water melts and can soak the surrounding food. They also turn brown when defrosted but the crabs still eat them!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:07 pm
by sandra03
cool thanks! yes I've already got 2 dishes going, one for dry food and one for wet, just so if something does go moody overnight the dry food isn't affected. I was wondering if he ever touches the dry food now that he's getting fresh stuff but today I saw him go back and forth between both dishes. I also watched him very purposely throw the chunk of cuttlebone out of his dry dish lol. little bugger :D
as far as I could tell this morning all he ate was some of the almond slice and the peanut butter and almond butter. I can't imagine it's good to give him these every day though, he'll have to get used to trying other things too =__= I added some walnut pieces but he didn't seem too interested in anything but the PB which he has been hovering over 24/7 as if someone's going to steal it :lol: it didn't hit me until after, when my inlaws were making dinner I should have stolen a little piece of meat from their pan for him. I'm vegetarian so I don't tend to give him any animal products, he eats what I eat lol. i'll eventually get used to scavenging different things for him

anyone ever make omelettes for their crabbies? you could add an assortment of goodies into a small amount of egg and cook it up as a little omelette lol. my version would likely be made with tofu rather than egg though :P

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 1:44 am
by fluffy
Oh I can see how that would be :) As long as the crabs are getting mostly meat product they should be great. I did make a omelette once for the crabs, it had bell pepper, shrimp, and celery.
Tonight is egg, with orange, egg shell, potatoe, bell pepper, and since it's been a while shrimp.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 5:08 am
by speeddemonbk
Tonight I have 3 separate menus catering to dietary needs since in two days my crab population has gone 7 lol. I just threw together food, it was late when I got home :/

For the old geizer crabs who have been with me for months:
Sardine, Broccoli, raspberry, fresh coconut

For the adoption hermies who came from eating some weird pellet food:
sardine, fresh coconut, bell pepper, raspberry, broccoli

For the new jumbos who have eaten nothing but "Neapolitan crab cookies" for the last 6 weeks:
Sardine, fresh coconut, raspberry, broccoli, cuttlebone, clam

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:08 pm
by speeddemonbk
Tonight le crabbies get:

bell pepper
sweet potato (new food trying)
shrimp tails
celery leaves

So far the new jumbos like the shrimp. They demolished the sardine from last night. My old jumbo demolished the top of broccoli last night all by himself! The adoption hermits, the one LOVES apple, he was eating it like it was going to disappear. His color is filling in so I must be doing something right!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:07 pm
by sandra03
funny yesterday my mother in law was boiling chicken for soup so i got her to give me a little piece for the crab after it was cooked through but before she added seasonings. i figured he'd go nuts for it since he hasn't had it before. i also gave him a bit of almond butter that he loves so much, an almond slice, and a piece of apple and i forget what else.
i get up this morning he has touched nothing... but the apple. at least half the piece was gone and he's been sitting on it ALL DAY.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:18 pm
by speeddemonbk
Mine are already going bonkers over dinner. Well in the crabzilla tank (the new jumbos) and the E-wannabe tank (adoptions), anyway. In the old geizer tank they could care less about the food as always. The sweet potato was a huge hit. I'll have to try it again sometime.

Tonight they are having banana chips, cranberries, peanuts, coconut, clams, corn, green beans and peas.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:28 pm
by fluffy
Giving it all tonight since they will be eating dried stuff while we are gone for thanksgiving. Not bad, and the dried food has lots of good stuff for them, but fresh food is nice too. So, peas, corn, chicken, salmon, mango,peanuts, peanut butter,Squash, egg, egg shell, different berries, oak leaves, raspberry leaves, Blue berries, straw berries, banana, and I'm gone to cut it off their. Over board? Yes. But I'm not giving big chunks of each, just small pieces.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:52 pm
by sandra03
i'm sure they'll appreciate the variety ^_^

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:58 pm
by fluffy
hopefully, although Vulcan is stuffing himself with the nuts I put in yesterday. So hopefully he will make his way down to the new stuff :)