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Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 1:48 pm
by Ryry
I'm going to be carving pumpkins soon- wondering if any one has any good ideas on how to prepare pumpkin? Should I blend a bit and freeze what I don't use? Diff saving the seeds. Do people just air dry pumpkin seeds? I know when they are meant to b eaten by me I bake them and add seasoning. Should I bake theirs?
Also I love all the mixes and cookies recipes!! Please share if you have some! I want to try the peanut butter Apple one mentioned above- my dog will b happy too!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:20 pm
by CallaLily
I freeze seeds and "guts" raw in ice cube trays to make easier serving sizes (bag once frozen). I also bake some seeds without seasonings for them. They seem to like them either way. If I'm baking a pumpkin, I freeze some of the cooked meat too. I think I have some pumpkin treat recipes...I'll look in a bit when I have more time.

This is the recipe I used for the squash flax treats I mentioned in another post (I just substituted the pumpkin for butternut squash because it's what I had). I used olive oil instead of veg oil. I'm sure you can ommit the brown sugar if that bothers you, or substitute honey.
I want to try these next (minus the cinnamon).

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:04 pm
by nanasue
turnips, pepper mix, kale, pomegranate, sweet pot, beets, parsnip, coconut,
pop corn, mahi mahi, cuttle bone, honey drizzle.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 12:33 pm
by Ryry
CallaLily wrote:I freeze seeds and "guts" raw in ice cube trays to make easier serving sizes (bag once frozen). I also bake some seeds without seasonings for them. They seem to like them either way. If I'm baking a pumpkin, I freeze some of the cooked meat too. I think I have some pumpkin treat recipes...I'll look in a bit when I have more time.

This is the recipe I used for the squash flax treats I mentioned in another post (I just substituted the pumpkin for butternut squash because it's what I had). I used olive oil instead of veg oil. I'm sure you can ommit the brown sugar if that bothers you, or substitute honey.
I want to try these next (minus the cinnamon).
Those look like some good recipes! And great idea about the ice cube tray! I'm excited to be getting into the fall spirit with my crabs!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:21 pm
by Sarasobo
tonight: watercress,green beans,red bell pepper,carrots,with peanutbutter-oatmeal cooked apple drizzled with all natural honey and garnished with a powdered crab food everything's either mashed or cut into tiny slices Image

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:21 am
by Ryry
Last nights grape and plum were a hit.

I also found my crab Sokka sitting in the dry food bowl just shoveling in honey flavored calcium and worm castings. I mean shoveling. As fast as his little legs would work!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:36 am
by moonshermies
my Pp's really dnt do for the grapes, I havent tried plums yet..I have some in my freezer for smoothies..The last few nights my girls have been munching on a chicken leg bone, lastnight I opened its & scrapped out the marrow, gave them a carrot,, broccoli, strawberry, potatoe, sprinkled in flax meal, seasalt,& chicken broth ,& (I made homemade chicken soup, & shared b4 adding all other spices & sensitive veggies) I also gave there dry hermie food.

Sent from HTC EVO, using Tapatalk 2

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:44 am
by Ryry
moonshermies wrote:my Pp's really dnt do for the grapes, I havent tried plums yet..I have some in my freezer for smoothies..The last few nights my girls have been munching on a chicken leg bone, lastnight I opened its & scrapped out the marrow, gave them a carrot,, broccoli, strawberry, potatoe, sprinkled in flax meal, seasalt,& chicken broth ,& (I made homemade chicken soup, & shared b4 adding all other spices & sensitive veggies) I also gave there dry hermie food.

Sent from HTC EVO, using Tapatalk 2

Mmmm home made chicken soup. Now I'm hungry... I have a few who like grapes, I usually cut up one or two and add something else, like blueberry, plum or Apple.

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 10:21 am
by Ryry
Pineapple and pumpkin was a hit last night. The pineapple was dragged everywhere and the pumpkin had some good chunks taken out!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:48 am
by Ryry
I put some tuna in the tank last night expecting it to be a hit.... It looks untouched! Rude!!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:47 pm
by MgnB
Ryry wrote:I put some tuna in the tank last night expecting it to be a hit.... It looks untouched! Rude!!
My crabbies did not touch the tuna either. It was packaged in water. I've heard they don't like that. I didn't see anything that wasn't in water though. :(

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:56 pm
by Ryry
MgnB wrote: My crabbies did not touch the tuna either. It was packaged in water. I've heard they don't like that. I didn't see anything that wasn't in water though. :(
I wouldn't want to give them the tuna packed in oil... But I bet we will have better luck with fresh fish! Trying that soon for sure!

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:06 pm
by CallaLily
Packed in olive oil is safe. ;) Fresh fish does seem to be preferred by my crew though (raw).

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:15 pm
by Crabinski
New menu combination for the guys tonight: cucumber, pumpkin, a blackberry, mixed grains (flaked), ground mealworms with dried shrimp and a little powdered cuttlebone over the top because every meal needs a garnish.

No overly excited reaction yet but I think that's because the hollow resin log made its appearance back in the crabitat this evening: Felix and Harry have been happily climbing all over it and Big Enzo will rejoice when he comes up from one of his many burrows tonight 'cause it was his favorite hiding place :D .

Re: What's on today's menu & recipe sharing

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:17 pm
by MgnB
Is it something you already buy? My family is not big on fish. It's actually only been in our house a couple of times and one was for the crabs. Shows how much I love them. Do you buy it in the deli?