What's on today's menu & recipe sharing ~2009~

For any and all questions about feeding, diet and different foods. Questions and posts about purchasing from stores should be made in the Shopping section.

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Post by Guest » Tue Feb 03, 2009 4:39 pm

Just for fun we should all put pictures with our descriptions of the food. I think it would be better for others including myself to see what and how to prepare the dish of these great recipes.

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Post by Guest » Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:17 pm

Hmmmm. the banana with coconut wasn't too popular last night - that's weird! I didn't notice any claw marks in it at all. They nibbled at the surf & turf kibble and krill.

So tonight it's re-hydrated turkey and chicken meat sprinkled with bladderwrack in one dish and dried apples and strawberries with a side of walnuts in the other.


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Post by Guest » Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:33 pm

Tonights dinner is
chicken liver (boiled in declorinated water)
dried flower leaves
and a little fruit thing I made and froze that contains, blueberries, strawberries, black berries, cuttle bone and oats mushed then frozen in a bag so I can break bits and pieces off of it to add it to the dish.

I really need to get some more foods, mine seem to like the fresh stuff over the dehydrated stuff. I need to get my butt to the store so they don't have to eat the same thing in 1 week. I just need to buy more stuff I can mash and freeze I guess.

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Post by NotaMallard » Wed Feb 04, 2009 8:39 am

Last night my hermies ate cherries, cactus, beef, carrot, peas, oats, and almonds, all sprinkled with spirulina. In a seperate dish they have blackstrap molasses mixed with calcium powder.
I've got a zoo in my house. I should charge admission.

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Post by Guest » Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:15 pm

I really want to get some spirulina! they have been enthused to various degrees over different things...... but one thing they really are enjoying now is a mix of chopped brazil nuts - oats - coconut - yellow raisins - honey - and eggshell on the top. they picked off almost every little bit of eggshell, and over the last day or two they have consistently plowed through the nuts, oats, and honey.. they also ate a lot of steamed shrimp and fresh papaya too. ^^

the other good thing about that mix with the honey is it stays good for days while they work on it.. I caught on sitting *on* a rose petal... but can't tell if any was eaten or not ^^ :P

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Post by Guest » Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:28 pm

Yes! Spirulina is on my grocery list too!

The crabbies raked substrate on top of both dishes last night - totally covered them so I don't know if any dinner was eaten or not!! If they cover it up - does that mean they DO like it - or DON'T??? I had to scrape about an inch of substrate out to make sure I got all the leftovers cleaned up!

Tonight they're having brocolli and shrimp unstirfry (not stir fried - but it sure looks like what you get for chinese take-out!) and for dessert organic pineapple sprinkled with organic sesame seeds.

Let's see if they cover THAT up! :flower:

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Post by NotaMallard » Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:36 pm

I find that my hermies (I almost put "kids," haha) just won't eat their spirulina unless I either fry an egg mixed with it or sprinkle it over ALL the food so they can't pick around it. It's great for them, but they don't seem to know that!
I've got a zoo in my house. I should charge admission.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:13 pm

I find that my hermies (I almost put "kids," haha) just won't eat their spirulina
that really does sound so hilarious :<> :P well maybe I can just get a small bit til I find out if they like it ^^ :P

Im also wondering if they like eggshells or crushed seashells better.. I crushed up some broken clam shells into a powder just like the eggshells... ?? going to see if they have any preference.. ^^

Topic author

Post by Guest » Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:29 pm

well I got spirulina today from the bullk section, so I only got a spoonful, and boy does it look icky! :P

I also got kelp granules too. ^^ I confess I had a Bad Experience with spirulina a long time ago when I lived in hawaii, one time we saw a guy take a quart of haagen dazs ice cream and dump about a cup of spirulina in it........ :shock: that was fearful. so we will see what the crabs think.

as far as last night, they liked some dried banana and blueberries with the clamshell powder :}}

Topic author

Post by Guest » Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:12 pm

Everyone is so creative with the crab food. I just throw some stuff in a dish. Tonight was broccoli, black berry, some dried stuff from the crabbage patch (I can't remember their new name) it was called surf n turf, apple, dried coconut and dried apples.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:56 pm

hehe about the spirulina in the hagen daaz! What in the world???

Did you get the spirulina in the bulk section of a grocery store, or at a health food market? Let me know, if you don't mind!!

Last night's brocolli stir unfry was a huge success! Scrunchee again pulled an entire shrimp into the coco hut with him for safekeeping. One shrimp was entirely gone (hopefully not hidden somewhere!) - and the last was still in the dish but with its tail chewed off. The brocolli was chewed to bits. And ALL the dried pineapple was gone! Every bit!

On tonight's menu: Boiled wild rice, lean beef, and a salad of celery leaves, red cabbage and shredded carrot.


Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:48 pm

Tonight's menu:
worm castings sprinkled with pumpkin seeds
rehydrated red bell pepper, watermellon and strawberries
The Hermit Crab Patch Surf and Turf Kibble

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:02 pm

Tonight was broccoli, black berry, some dried stuff from the crabbage patch (I can't remember their new name) it was called surf n turf, apple, dried coconut and dried apples.
that sounds creative! :) :>> I would think everyone just throws it in a dish, but sometimes it comes out more artistically than others.....// and i was thinking last night that when you are making up such tiny dishes of food, it actually takes on a doll-like quality.. and you can't help sometimes wanting to make it cute because you are making such TINYYYYY little dishes of food ^^ just a guess. :^^ :hug:

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:04 pm

Did you get the spirulina in the bulk section of a grocery store, or at a health food market? Let me know, if you don't mind!!

bulk section of a grocery store.. // they have those here cause health food is really popular.. ^^ :} it cost about 80 cents for a couple tablespoons. and YAH -- not in the haagen daz! that is wrong, so wrong!!!!


Topic author

Post by MudCrabDude » Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:51 pm

Defrosting bits of coconut right now and will cover parts of it with Colorado Care Co. Hermit Crab Kibble (which I think has spirulina...:D)

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