What's on today's menu & recipe sharing ~2006~

For any and all questions about feeding, diet and different foods. Questions and posts about purchasing from stores should be made in the Shopping section.
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Post by BAB » Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:46 am

Well... it was LAST nights meal... but it's gone this morning. Hehe...

2 separate shell dishes filled with:

a bed of green seaweed soaked in sea salt water
topped with Krill (thawed sitting out... boy the cats were interested!)
sprinkled with dried mango and coconut

on the side was some muesili (sp?) and different dry kibbles in each dish

Musta been a hit since it's gone. Even the seaweed was chewed up! Hehe... glad they are eating their greens.
**Crabbing since July 2005*~*100+ successful molts**
I have a total of 2 PP's

Note:My information on crab care is NOT the only way to do things. Please research your topics.

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Post by Guest » Mon Apr 03, 2006 12:49 pm

Would Scrabled eggs be OK for the crabs? I need ideas for fresh food because right now all I offer them is Fruit +Flower Crab Food. (I know it has CS in it, I will switch it soon :cry: "

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Post by Guest » Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:53 pm

okay, this was from the other day, but have to say that it was pretty popular

NarNar's blue mix/Tiffy's ground almond, flax, cuddlebone, whole grain oats mix mixed with fresh coconut juice. (Of course, they had proteins and other assortments, but they really liked the coconut flavored yummies. :)

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Post by Guest » Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:40 pm

Tonight: dish#1 - wild rice, long grain rice mix with fresh red bell pepper
dish#2 - gratered coconut and raw broccoli heads
dish#3 - my staple of freeze dry krill, dried fruit & NarNar kibble.
dish#4 - dried apple with cranberries

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Post by BAB » Tue Apr 04, 2006 11:25 pm

What's for dinner tonight? Well... lets sum it all up:

Nasty Stuff and more Nasty Stuff


Okay really... hehe...

Frozen brine shrimp (thawed in a bowl over hot water)
Portion of a silverside left as a chunk
rehydrated seaweed
rehydrated coconut and raspberries

Ugh... the stench! They HAVE to love it.... phew :shock: :D
**Crabbing since July 2005*~*100+ successful molts**
I have a total of 2 PP's

Note:My information on crab care is NOT the only way to do things. Please research your topics.

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Post by Guest » Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:14 pm

An attempt (my first) at homemade kibble:

brown rice
jasmine flowers
sea salt
peanut butter
kelp powder

** edit to add that the guys went bonkers over this! must remember to make more!

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Post by Guest » Wed Apr 05, 2006 4:19 pm

They didn't get much but here's what they have:

popcorn (plain with no butter or salt)

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Post by megs » Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:35 pm

shrimp, carrot, snow peas, tomato, cilantro, mushroom & rice.

<---the Pete performed quality control tests on a shrimp first, just to make sure they were okay for his crabs...
"Nothing divides one so much as thought." - R. H. Blyth

"Sometimes the picture just ain't what it seems. You get what you want, but it's not what you need..."

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Post by Guest » Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:26 pm

red cabbage

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Specialty of the house!

Post by cranlsn » Sat Apr 08, 2006 2:47 pm

We were wondering what to feed the crabs today, and my son says "How about some eggs?"

I thought that was a great idea, I had read a couple of recipes on here.

So I said sure, and we added:

narnar's blue kibble
chopped up stir-fry shrimp
chopped up algae wafers (w/spirulina)

I had the olive oil heated in the pan and my son yelled "Wait!". We always stir milk or water into our eggs, so he ran and got the crabs salt water! So we added a little saltwater for flavor. :D

So far so good, we've already had a few interested customers. We froze the rest for some quick & easy "defrostable" meals.

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Post by Guest » Sat Apr 08, 2006 5:48 pm


Garnished with oatmeal and torn-up spinach leaves. :lol:

.... and reading these menus I wonder why I ever wondered why hermit crabs get so picky... :lol:

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Post by Guest » Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:02 am

Tonight's meal includes some chicken, tomato, celery leaves, walnuts, peanut butter all chopped and mixed together, and they better eat it or they aren't getting any dessert.. :twisted:

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Post by Guest » Sun Apr 09, 2006 7:31 pm

Tonight the crabs are getting

Dish 1: Romaine lettuce, cilantro, broccoli, shredded carrot, cauliflower, green pepper, crushed eggshell

Oh and a quick question: Does the eggshell just have to be crushed into really small pieces or crushed into a fine powder?

Dish 2: Banana (possibly), raisin, oatmeal, dehydrated apple, crushed peanuts, and a drop of honey on top :)

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Post by Guest » Wed Apr 19, 2006 4:44 am

Tonight they got a little clam shell of what I had for dinner: Cooked pasta tossed with salmon (no added salt), mushrooms, tomato chunks and corn kernels (also no added salt)! Smells and tastes delicious, both for me and the crabs! I've done this before and they like munching on the cooked pasta (even after it dries out) and dragging the salmon around the tat, lol!

PS. I love yours, cranlsn (egg, etc. with saltwater!) Sounds like a great nutritious and tasty meal for the crabs, I'll have to try it ;)

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Post by Guest » Wed Apr 19, 2006 6:18 pm

April 19, 2006 for my tank:

Zoomed's Hermit Crab Fruit Salad and Some cocnut treats. One of the SAFE commercial foods! :) All natural! :D
