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Posted: Wed May 06, 2015 9:18 pm
by vekolou
I feed my crabs with fruits, vegetables and egg shells. i know that proteins are really imprtant for them especially animal ones. The problem is that its difficult to get meat without salt or spices so I give them eggs one time a week. Every other day I give them almond, beans... Is it ok for them if they eat vegetal proteins instead of animal ones?

Re: Proteins

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 2:20 am
by wodesorel
Unfortunately, animal proteins are non-negotiable when it comes to hermits. If they aren't being fed it, they'll get it themselves by attacking and eating their tank mates, and they can die during molts from nutritional deficiencies. :(

Eggs will provide meat based protein, but they will need more variety than that. I feed mine bits from our meals occasionally, but like you, we don't have unseasoned or unsalted meat very often. For the most part I stick with freeze-dried seafood and insects that are sold as fish and reptile foods - low odor, no mess, and it keeps for a long time. :)

Re: Proteins

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 3:09 am
by soilentgringa
Is it possible to pick a few pieces of the meat off before it is seasoned? I don't know where you live but the guy at the fish counter at my store will give me 1 or 2 shrimp for free. Or they will give me a little sample of raw fish. I put the shrimp in the freezer then just grate it with a cheese grater. 2 whole shrimp will last a while. Mealworms and freeze dried crickets and krill and things are usually inexpensive protein forms as well.

Re: Proteins

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 7:41 am
by CallaLily
soilentgringa wrote:Is it possible to pick a few pieces of the meat off before it is seasoned?
This is what I do too. Cut a little off before seasoning, cook separately if you do not want to offer raw. When I buy a whole chicken, I make sure to get one with giblets so I can cook those up for the crabs (freezing the extra). If you don't eat chicken, you can just buy the livers separately. My crabs love them cooked in a little EVOO! I've also picked up frozen or canned seafood - check ingredients! - and froze individual servings in ice cube trays (once set, move to a freezer bag).

But yeah there's also the freeze dried crickets, mealworms, bloodworms, krill, etc found in the fish or reptile section like Wodesorel said. Many stores also have a freezer section for fish with frozen silversides, bloodworms, I think beefheart?, shrimp, plankton.

Re: Proteins

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 8:45 pm
by vekolou
Thank you for your answer! I just realized that I can pick some meat before cooking.. But for today I just put eggs again with strawberry and almonds. My hermit crab don't care of the eggs and the strawberry, I just saw them fighting for the almonds...