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New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:40 pm
by marandashermies
I was at Office Max last night and saw these little cubes, that I thought would be perfect for food storage. Because when you have crabs, everything you see, you wonder how you could use it for your crabs, lol! :hlol: I bought a bunch of them and then a large box to put all the small ones in. I was only able to fit half of my food stash in this one. I am going back tonight to buy another large box to put the rest of my food and all my minerals in. So far it works great! Easy to get in and out of, and keeps the fish/shrimp smell within the box. :thumbleft: Each box has little flip up handles that clip to the box. These should keep my cats out of the fish/shrimp!!

Here are a few photos. They are called "Really Useful Box". And of course, because I am an organization freak, I made labels for each box :roll:




Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:02 pm
by Crabinski
I love those little boxes! I discovered them about two years ago at Office Max and use them to store some of my smaller rocks/minerals/geodes.

Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:12 pm
by landlubber
Awesome! I love how freekin adorable some of you with your labels! I wish I was that organized and cute! All my food is in plastic bags w/handwritten labels that are coming off and some of it I don't even know what it is anymore. It's one of those areas I'm trying to figure out how to be organized around, my "feeding system" is not ideal yet.

Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:17 am
by marandashermies
landlubber wrote:Awesome! I love how freekin adorable some of you with your labels! I wish I was that organized and cute! All my food is in plastic bags w/handwritten labels that are coming off and some of it I don't even know what it is anymore. It's one of those areas I'm trying to figure out how to be organized around, my "feeding system" is not ideal yet.

If you were close to MN I would LOVE to do it for you! I love organizing, its like my favorite thing to do :)

Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2016 2:33 pm
by landlubber
Well, my dear I can tell you do well at it, and most people don't. There has to be a career in there somewhere for you! :wink: OH is close to MN compared to's all relative...... :twisted:

Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:32 pm
by WinkyCrab
I have some of those bins. I never thought to use them for food storage; that's a great idea! i'm going to try it! :cheer:

Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:18 pm
by hprmom
marandashermies wrote:If you were close to MN I would LOVE to do it for you! I love organizing, its like my favorite thing to do :)
marandashermies, maybe you could upload a printable file of your labels that others could download and use... hobby business or community service! ;)

Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:12 pm
by marandashermies
I would but I make them as I go along so I don't have them saved anywhere. I just open up a word document type the name and Google a pic and place it under it. Then just print it off, cut it out and use packing tape to tape it on. Pretty simple

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Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:43 pm
by Krusty Krab
Wow, very creative.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:35 pm
by marandashermies
Krusty Krab wrote:Wow, very creative.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
thanks! I now have 3 large totes of food. One for supplements, one for fruits and one for protein. Then I have a section in my fridge for the crabs. :roll: I think I am officially obsessed with purchasing crab food. I have been told on more than one occasion, my crabs eat better than I do! I think I have bought at least one of everything, if not more from delicouslycrabby and hermieskitchen. Dinner time for the kids is always eventful at my house! lol

Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:52 pm
by hprmom
How long does the dried food keep? I made kale chips and roasted spaghetti squash seeds last week, but the crabs eat so little, I wonder if it will go bad before it runs out! We have to be really careful to keep things air-tight in Central FL, it can be so humid that if you leave something on the counter for a couple of hours it'll go stale, lol.

Re: New Food Storage Bins!

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:47 pm
by marandashermies
hprmom wrote:How long does the dried food keep? I made kale chips and roasted spaghetti squash seeds last week, but the crabs eat so little, I wonder if it will go bad before it runs out! We have to be really careful to keep things air-tight in Central FL, it can be so humid that if you leave something on the counter for a couple of hours it'll go stale, lol.
I keep some things in my fridge, like coconut, some of the cookies, worm castings, to name few. That is just to keep them fresh. So far I haven't had anything really "go bad". But everything is really air tight. Yes, FL is definitely more humid then MN! So you might want to put some additional items in the fridge. To be honest, not sure if they can really go bad, other then getting mold from the humidity. But I could be wrong!