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Dinner time!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:08 am
by MsWorld

Just a quick question… does anyone else have any crabs that poop in their food dish???

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Re: Dinner time!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:06 pm
by Kermie16
Nom nom nom!! Yep! Ours do - it's like a kind of thank you gift ! :lol:

Re: Dinner time!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:08 pm
by MsWorld
Kermie16 wrote:Nom nom nom!! Yep! Ours do - it's like a kind of thank you gift ! :lol:
Ha ha! I just looked in my picture and on the bridge is a huge piece of poo!

Do you throw out all the food once they poo in it? I do throw it out. It grosses me out. Lol

Also do your crabs sit in the food dish? I'm guessing thats normal?

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Re: Dinner time!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:13 pm
by Kermie16
Yep! All normal behavior :D Dried foods I leave in the tat for 2 days then throw it out. Fresh foods I clean out every morning to prevent mold and mites. Only poop you would need to clean out is the ones you see. I use a plastic spoon to do that. Honestly, my vision is not that great and a lot of the poop and sub look the same to me unless it isn't on the sub :shock: Either way even their poop is all organic and I believe gets broken down in the sub too. So really just need to spot clean what you see :)

Re: Dinner time!

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:17 pm
by MsWorld
Kermie16 wrote:Yep! All normal behavior :D Dried foods I leave in the tat for 2 days then throw it out. Fresh foods I clean out every morning to prevent mold and mites. Only poop you would need to clean out is the ones you see. I use a plastic spoon to do that. Honestly, my vision is not that great and a lot of the poop and sub look the same to me unless it isn't on the sub :shock: Either way even their poop is all organic and I believe gets broken down in the sub too. So really just need to spot clean what you see :)
How funny! I can't see it either unless it's not in the substrate! I planted chia seeds and use their poop to fertilize them. I planted them Saturday and they are about an inch tall tonight well what's left of them that is! Thanks for your advice and help. It's greatly appreciated. Image

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Re: Dinner time!

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 7:00 am
by Kermie16
Sure!! And your hermies are adorable having dinner together :cloud9:

Re: Dinner time!

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 10:16 pm
by courtbri
Kermie16 wrote:Nom nom nom!! Yep! Ours do - it's like a kind of thank you gift ! :lol:

Crabbing for 4 years-still obsessed! 5 total crustacean kids. Gave up trying to tell them apart but I love them all.