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What do you feed when everyone is molting?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:11 pm
by Paradi
Hey guys! Both of my crabs are down for their first ever molt, which is very exciting, but I have a quick question... Should I feed while they are down? The first one, Yippe, went down on October 22nd just two days after I got her. Olve went down exactly a week later on the 29th so I don't expect either to come up relatively soon. While I don't want them to come up to no food in the tank and be starving, I don't want to waste food that'll just sit and go moldy either. I'm not sure what to do. I have been providing crushed cuttlebone since they both went down since it's dry and likely won't mold. Tonight I put some dried shrimp too which hopefully won't mold but we'll see about that... Is it worth putting down a complete diet even if it's likely just going to mold??? Thanks guys! :D

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Re: What do you feed when everyone is molting?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:28 pm
by Kermie16
Paradi wrote:Hey guys! Both of my crabs are down for their first ever molt, which is very exciting, but I have a quick question... Should I feed while they are down? The first one, Yippe, went down on October 22nd just two days after I got her. Olve went down exactly a week later on the 29th so I don't expect either to come up relatively soon. While I don't want them to come up to no food in the tank and be starving, I don't want to waste food that'll just sit and go moldy either. I'm not sure what to do. I have been providing crushed cuttlebone since they both went down since it's dry and likely won't mold. Tonight I put some dried shrimp too which hopefully won't mold but we'll see about that... Is it worth putting down a complete diet even if it's likely just going to mold??? Thanks guys! :D

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I always have dried food out and I keep it by the UTH - not sure how much it helps location wise but I recall another HCA member recommending it so I just do it :) I usually have some crushed oyster shells in it along with freeze dried crickets or shrimp and some other just plain fun stuff that I feel like for the day . I change it out every 2 days:)

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Re: What do you feed when everyone is molting?

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:25 pm
by Paradi
Hmm okay! I'll keep the dried shrimp and cuttlebone available at all times. I heard calcium and protein are the most important nutrients for them to get right after a molt but of course a balanced diet is best

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Re: What do you feed when everyone is molting?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 1:33 am
by Rawrgeous
Keeping it by the uth can help keep it a bit drier, and prevent it from molding as quickly.

Re: What do you feed when everyone is molting?

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2016 10:51 am
by Paradi
Thanks for the help guys. I appreciate it!

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Re: What do you feed when everyone is molting?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 10:59 pm
by mlakers
It's also possible that they aren't molting yet but have just dug down to destress. Lots of new crabs can be so shy as to be almost invisible those first few weeks. Keeping some food out would be good just in case they are sneaking out at night to eat under cover of darkness.