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Wine Raspberry/Wineberry

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 7:32 pm
by CrabbyLover77
Here's another one for you crabby friends!

Wine Raspberries are edible for humans, how about crabbies?
Here are some pics of the plant in the woods behind my house. It's in the rose family and comes from China/Japan/Korea. I read it's invasive. There's so many of these plants growing along the fence in my back yard, it's crazy.ImageImageImage

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Re: Wine Raspberry/Wineberry

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 7:40 pm
by Brian_T
We call them wild raspberries around here. I have some growing in the back of my yard. I've given them to my crabs along with some leaves.

As long as you're sure they weren't sprayed with pesticides I assumed they are fine, just like regular raspberries.

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Re: Wine Raspberry/Wineberry

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 7:44 pm
by CrabbyLover77
Brian_T wrote:We call them wild raspberries around here. I have some growing in the back of my yard. I've given them to my crabs along with some leaves.

As long as you're sure they weren't sprayed with pesticides I assumed they are fine, just like regular raspberries.

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Thank you! I never spray anything in my yard, so I'm all good there.
How did your crabs like the leaves?

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