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What kinds of foods would you like to see...

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:22 pm
by NaRnAR
available along with my current kibbles?

Im going to be making some more options and Im not sure what you all would like to see or cant find in stores near you in way of foods!

Ive got some ideas, but again I dont know if these are things you all will be interested in:

tropical dried fruits

Salsa mix--tomatos, cucumber, bell peppers, papaya, lime, corn, black beans...

Seaweeds--will have lots of seaweeds and seaveggies like kelp, spirulina, wakame, purple sea veggies, dulse, and some green veggies, and some protien

Bean soup mix with some kind of protein and a couple other kinds of beans. THis one will be re-heat/hydratable. It will need to be heated to make the beans soft.

Veggie-Millet that will need to be heated to rehydrate everything if desired.

FLowers mix

Honey covered banana chips (dried)

Some suggested by a friend:
Oatmeal with fruit--you can either cook it or leave it dry

Peanut Butter & Jelly mix

Veggie or Fruit dusted popcorn

WIldrice/meat/veggie--would have be cooked/rehydrated in the microwave

Let me know what you think!!

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:26 pm
by Guest
All of that sounds good NaRnAR! Makes me hungry! :lol: The seaweeds would be really good for me. Even though I live at the beach, I can't find that stuff! I've combed the beach as well and it's clean of sea veggies, as well as stores. :(

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:27 pm
by cranlsn
I like the idea of the salsa mix. If nothing else it'll make the tank smell good! :)

And the seaweeds one too...I have looked and looked around here and not found anything of the sort.

As for a suggestion...not really a "flavor" suggestion but more of a texture one I guess. Given that a lot of us have had a few sickies or bad molters...something that could be hydrated into a nutritious "energy" smoothy that would be easy to hand feed might be a good idea.

Of course...this could always just be a recipe too. :)

I'm probably going to be buying a couple of your kibbles before our trip to Kentucky becuase it'll be easier to pack those "to go" than regular foods.

Thanks again for doing's a real help to those of us that are "culinarily challenged" for our crabs. :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:32 pm
by NaRnAR
hmmm an energy smoothie, that would be nice to have! Ill hop on some sites and do some research and see what I can come up with :)

Im not really culinarily great either...I can do crab food...but food for people, I leave the cooking up to bf! lol! ...they crabs appreciate my cooking...but bf doesnt, I dont add any salts or things like that, just veggies that have flavor...hed rather have I leave it up to him lol!

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:33 pm
by MomToDixie
I would probably get a little of everything, but I really like:

tropical dried fruits

Salsa mix--tomatos, cucumber, bell peppers, papaya, lime, corn, black beans...

Seaweeds--will have lots of seaweeds and seaveggies like kelp, spirulina, wakame, purple sea veggies, dulse, and some green veggies, and some protien

Honey covered banana chips (dried)

Oatmeal with fruit--you can either cook it or leave it dry

Peanut Butter & Jelly mix

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:47 pm
by Guest
I agree with Dixie, i want some fruits!

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:58 pm
by MomToDixie
Nar I forgot to add that I love the Happy Hermit sticker on the envelop that you send the food in....................however I might need the next order sent in "under cover" BF spotted the sticker and said "what else did you order from them? I thought you had everything she sold." I've been caught :D

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:02 pm
by NaRnAR
thanks :D

:lol: Thats too funny! Ill send the next one without the label on it ;) *makes note that MomToDixie is in same boat as Nar when buying things for crabs* hehe

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:18 pm
by Guest
I just make sure I always get the mail. :) What he doesn't know... woln't hurt him.

I want the popcorn... and probably the foods that you rehydrate, which ever one you choose. :)

I bet kids will love the idea of feeding their crabs pb&j

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 8:51 am
by Guest
Narnar- I would LOVE to buy some of your foods, but ebay says you only take paypal and I do not have a credit card. Can I work something out with you to pay with check or money order?

As for suggestions, I would like a "calcium and protein molter's food."
I am never confident that I am supplying enough, or the correct kinds, of those two nutrients.

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 7:08 pm
by Guest
I like the tropical fruit, seaweed, popcorn, banana chips, calcium and oatmeal with fruit ideas! Oh and the flowers mix too :) The only ones that don't really appeal are the bean soup (last time I tried putting in dried beans the sprouted!) and the salsa (my crabs don't like citrus, not even tomato :( ) You're going to be famous from all these fabulous crab foods! I hope you've thought about approaching local pet stores with your foods!

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 1:53 am
by Guest
i like the seaweed idea the best. let us know when you make some more kibble!

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 8:15 am
by Guest
Two words for you Nar... Sampler Mix. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:03 am
by annopia
Those ideas seem great...but a sampler would be wonderful, so I coould figure out which are my hermies' favorites and stock up on those.


Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:10 pm
by Willow
I think a special moulter/sick crab smoothie would be a great idea. High in calcium and protein----lots of spirulina; I swear spirulina has saved a few of my crabs. And finely ground, so it could be made into a smoothie or left dry, but either way, a sick crab would find it easy to eat.

I would buy the seaweed mix; it's hard to find all those kinds of seaweeds, and I can only find fairly large packs of them, so buying all of them would be expensive. I also like the idea of the foods that need to be rehydrated/heated. Kind of like the Beak Appetit bird foods.