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oysters a huge hit

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:00 am
by troppo
Today my crabbies got a special treat of fresh oyster still in shell and I've never seen anything like it,that crabs were gathered around the shell like it was a feeding trough!
Even though the oyster was fresh,the smell went right through the tank,I guess it's something you can't leave in too long :)
Has anyone else here fed their crabs oysters still in shell?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:31 am
by Guest
ohh thanks I will have to try this! I love to find things they really love.
Right now I have one that has been in the food bowl eating for an hour and I can't remember what is in the bowl he is in and everytime I get close he ducks in his shell. I think it is crushed Brine Shrimp and Veggies!

So you don't cook oysters before putting in? Just open the shell and put in?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 6:44 pm
by troppo
The oysters that I bought yesterday were the ones that were displayed in a half shell,they hadn't been cooked(don't people eat them raw anyway?) :) Spoilt crabs......

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 8:15 pm
by Guest
I gave mine oysters on the half shell for the first time this week, too. Mine didn't seem too impressed, so I was mighty disappointed! :( Only one small ruggie seemed to enjoy his treat!

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 12:41 am
by Guest
I am definitely going to try that! Gives me an excuse to buy some for myself!! :lol:

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 10:28 pm
by troppo
Kathy, perhaps your crabbies have too many other yummy things to eat :lol:

As a bonus with oysters,I can keep the shells as food dishes for other tid-bits.