First time, FRESH coconut!

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First time, FRESH coconut!

Post by Elle » Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:17 pm

Before today, the only kind of coconut my crabbies have had was the dried shredded coconut from either Addiction or Happy hermit. But today, my mom brought me home a whole fresh coconut! After spending about an hour getting the juice out then bashing the thing with a hammer, I got it open! I took four "slices" and put them in. Literally, I came back to the 'tat about 5 minutes later. Candy was slyly sitting in the back under some branches with one, probably thinking if I move REALLY slowly, nobody will see me and take my treat...
And Lola was in the shell with the rest. I watched for about a minute, and Tinkerbell took a piece, soon followed by Baloo. Baloo thinks that he is the king of the tat, so he went right to Tink and took her piece! She tried to hold on as he started to drag it away, but he pushed her off! What a bully :?
It seems the yummy treat has taken everyone out of their hiding spots, and I have seen more of my babies out at one time than I have in a while! :D I froze the rest, so hopefully I can give them this yummy treat more often. Also, should I boil the shell of the coconut if I want to make it into a hidey?

And on a totally separate note, I found a crab in my tat today that, I swear, I have NEVER seen before! He is a tiny pp, and I have no idea where he came from! I keep pretty good tabs on my babies, so I am a bit confused... :shock:

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Post by Guest » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:53 pm

What fun! I'm so glad you froze the rest (I was just about to suggest that until I read you already did it). I still have some in the freezer that I pull out every so often and give to them. Just last night I did, in fact. I so know what you mean about how excited they get over it. Too cute! As far as the shell halves, I boiled mine in extra-strength saltwater for a very very long time and am happy to report absolutely no mold issues with either half :)

OMG about the unfamiliar crabby :o Maybe it was a stowaway :lol: Had you bought any shells that perhaps weren't empty? What a mystery :smt017

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Post by Elle » Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:11 pm

Thank you for the sterilizing advice! I am more worried about pesticides than mold though, I dont mind throwing them out after a bit but I am a freak about my babies safety, as well as everyone else I'm sure!
I know... I am still scratching my head about the little pp. I have not bought any shells like the one he is in. That was the first thing that crossed my mind, but I don't really know how that would happen. I cant get him out of his shell so all I can see is his bp and he REALLY needs a molt. The only reason I know he is alive is because his shell seems to always be resting in a different spot. Maybe local abused crabs are slowly making their way into my crabitat :scratch: Oh well, I shall call him Mystery. =)

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Post by Guest » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:57 am

lol That's too funny about Baloo and Tink. I can picture that happening in my tank. lol

And WOW about the mystery crab. :shock: I had something similar happen to me a little while ago and then it clicked in I was adopted a molter from someone who had been in a cup when I took him home. I was looking at my new adoptee. lol

As for the worry about pesticides: To be honest, I wouldn't worry too much. Coconut that we purchase and eat in Canada and the States is actually the pit. There is a lot of flesh in between the skin of a coconut and what we buy in a store.

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Hermie Lover
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Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:05 pm
Location: Henry, VA

Post by Hermie Lover » Tue Aug 19, 2008 3:01 pm

Oh goody!

I am going to get one of these for tonight :)

Crabitats: 55L, 40B, 29L

Crabbin' since 97!
They are draining my savings!
