Future LHCs mom preparing

This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.
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Future LHCs mom preparing

Post by aegonziv » Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:52 pm

As stated in the topic, I'm a future mom of, hopefully, 3 LHCs. I have two dogs and two hedgehogs and know the importance of research, which is why I'm asking the following questions:

a) I intend to mix Zoo Med's Eco Earth along with play sand, since this coconut fiber is refined and can hold moisture well. Some people have reported finding mites in their tanks, what is the best way to prevent this, in addition to cleaning the tank regularly and washing and baking the substrates?

b) I've read this is okay, but, I want to double-check: Would it be okay for me to put fiddler crabs (mini crabs) with my hermit crabs?

c) What is the best diet for LHCs and, would it be okay for me to feed them canned mealworms, crickets and grasshopers, as they are a great source of protein?

d) Can LHCs have a little pure, unrefined, cold-pressed, 100% extra virgin coconut oil mixed with their food?



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Re: Future LHCs mom preparing

Post by LadyJinglyJones » Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:46 pm

Hiya, & welcome! :D

To your questions...

A) a ratio of roughly 5 parts playsand to 1 part Eco Earth is the most commonly recommended. The truth about baking is that, most often, mites or gnats or whatever that come in don't enter via the sub... rather, they're local species that discover an inviting home in a crab tank kept warm & humid year round. Keeping isopods (roly polys) in the tank as a clean up crew will reduce the amount of food available to non-crustacean crawlies... but some mites/tiny flies are inevitable.

It's about reduction, not elimination.

B) Noooooooo... Fiddlers & land hermies have different needs. Mixin' crabs is not a great idea unless your tank is obscenely large... and if it is.... we'll, I'm jealous. :lol:

C) LHCS are omnivorous scavengers: they eat and need a great variety. Varied diet is one of the fun things about them!
Here is the safe food list & food pyramid (avoid most commercial foods):

http://hermitcrabassociation.com/phpBB/ ... 25&t=92557

http://hermitcrabassociation.com/phpBB/ ... 25&t=92554

D) Yup! Mine like coconut oil. :)

Here is the basic care link - and be sure to check out all the other pages in the FAQ section!

http://hermitcrabassociation.com/phpBB/ ... 51&t=92457

And please, ask any other questions you have. :D
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