Yesterday I bought a 20 gallon tank, a 50 pound bag of play sand, echo earth, moss, a box of Instant Ocean, a heating pad, and a combo hygrometer/thermometer, which I calibrated using the salt test. I spent most of the day setting up the tank to get him out of the smaller one. Right now I'm very anxious and hope that this guy will survive and hopefully molt at some point. Today the tank stayed between 70 and 77 percent humidity and 70 - 78 degrees. That seems kind of low to me for both? I think it should be more like 80 for both? I have two fairly large bowls of water (one salt and one fresh) and a bowl of sphagnum moss (I'm not wild about the smell of it, but I guess hermits like it). I've covered most of the wire tank cover with plastic wrap, but I'm planning to get a plexi-glass cover and a light. (At the moment I'm broke from the rest of the stuff. I had in no way planned on getting a hermit crab, especially not so suddenly).
I've been feeding him the food the owners gave to me with the crab, but it has copper sulfate, which I've read is not good for him. I got him some dried shrimp hermit crab food that has no other ingredients. I've also been feeding him strawberries, grapes, celery leaves, peanut butter, and walnuts. I don't have a lot for him to climb around on right now, except for the moss bowl and a little cave I made out of jar lids underneath a small rock-style water bowl.
He isn't very active, though he does move his antennae and legs, wiggles around and retracts when picked up. He also inspected the new shells I got for him (I'm going to get more as well). Today he has been hiding under the overhang of one of his water bowls and I thought he might be dead, but his antennae were moving around when I took a closer look. I'm afraid that being moved to different tanks so much over the past week or maybe a lack of humidity over the past year might be the reason. I also think he's probably lonely and I will be getting 2 friends for him.
Do you guys have any feedback about the humidity or the conditions of his new tank? Like I said, I am completely new to hermit crabs and have been trying to learn as much as I can in a little time. I've attached some pictures of the tank and would be grateful for any advice or suggestions. The sand/eco earth mix is about 6 inches on the deeper end. He's not very large (I drew a red circle around him in the picture so you can see him) and even the lower end would completely cover him. In the photos, the hygrometer reads 79, but it's actually 75 (during the calibration test, it was 71 instead of 75).
Thank you!