new and questions

This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.
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new and questions

Post by ivegotcrabs » Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:04 pm


I have just joined your nice forum, and would like to introduce myself, and my new crab, Arnold. I am an animal lover who worked in wildlife rehab and care facilities for thirty+ years, until retirement. I worked with both exotics and domestics, but never with crustations. My personal philosphy is that if a person does not have the time, inclination or $ to care properly for a pet, they should not own one, because they are not simply for our entertainment. I have nothing against owning the more exotic pets, if it's legal, and if a person can provide the habitat, food and care needed. I currently have a super cute, sweet little mix breed dog named Beauvoir, and a big, beautiful Bearded Dragon named DeziLu. Dez was an "accidental pet" in that he was originally bought for a nephew who did not seem to me to be caring for him properly, so I took him back and raised him myself. It did not make me very popular with the nephew, but I could not watch any creature die slowly from neglect. I have since fallen deeply, madly in love with this lizrard, who has surprised me by showing he has just as much personality, emotion and can communicate as well as any pup, if you take time to learn his language! and he snuggles! Not just for heat, but for affection! --Lizards are emotional! Who knew? After all these years working with wildlife, I am still learning new things! :)

So sorry I got off topic and can talk all day about Dezi!
I confess that my new little buddy, Arnold was a bit of an impulse buy. On vacay at a Gulf beach, perusing the local tourist shop, and was fascinated by the Hermit crabs. I normally do not approve of impulse buying with any pet, but I had confidence that I would be able to study up on proper crab care, and could do right by little Arnold--certainly better than the conditions he was in. I already have several unused aquariums back home, various heaters, lights, etc. that I have used in wildlife rehab over the years. I plan to study this forum extensively, and buy some good books about crab care (any suggestions for that?) However, I do have a few questions that might be best asked while I am still near a store with crab supplies.

1) How many crabs are really necessary, for them to be happy? I only bought one, and reading through this forum I suspect that Arnold may need a buddy or two. I really do not want a ton of crabs, so what is the minimum I can get by with, plus I would get a couple extra, in case one or two do not live long due to the poor conditions of shop and previous care.

2) What size crabs will be best? I prefer to have a peaceful tank, and wonder if it is better to have crabs of much different sizes to prevent shell competition, etc? Or is it better to keep sizes similar, to prevent bullying? it is best to know this soon, so I can buy more crabs while still here, where I can look them over carefully. I can purchase supplies over the internet, as needed, but wont buy animals online.

3) For now, as a temporary travel home, Arnold is in a tupperware container (lid off, of course!) with store bought crab food, and I did put some moist beach sand in it, purified water (reverse osmosis) and three shells slightly bigger than the one he is in, which he has obviously outgrown. After reading more on this site, I also gave him a brief bath in ocean water, to rehydrate his gills. He is very active, even in day, so I have let him roam a bit, for exercise, but keep him on patio in shady place because the air conditioning is too cold for him. He is friendly, unafraid, and eating. Has not swiched shells yet. Was very hyper and constantly pacing, but calmed down some after a salt water bath. I suspect he was suffocating, since no bathing was provided in store.

Well, I know that is a lot of info for you all to read, but hope you will make it through it all and give me some much needed advise! I will probably need more advise as I begin this new exciting crab adventure. I truly want to provide the best habitat/diet/etc. possible for these fascinating cratures.

Thank you in advance for your time,
C.K. (aka "ivegotcrabs")

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Re: new and questions

Post by NLindsey921 » Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:44 pm

1. The forum recommends at least one species buddy. In the wild these crabs travel in packs of hundreds of crabs. Unlike their name infers they are very social creatures.
2. Size doesn't really matter. Whatever can fit in the tank you have is what you can get. My large-medium crab gets along perfectly well with my small crabs.
3. I know the Tupperware is temporary but he needs to be put in a tank at least 20 gallons as soon as possible with at least 6 inches of substrate or three times as deep as the crab is tall (whichever is deeper).
safe food list: ... 25&t=92557
unsafe food list: ... 25&t=92556
hermit crab nutrition: ... 25&t=92554
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Re: new and questions

Post by ivegotcrabs » Sat Aug 26, 2017 8:59 pm

Thank you, Nlinsay!

I have a twenty gal. at home waiting for him! I will pick up a couple more crabs on the way home, and hope they will be happy together. Arnold is a medium/large guy according to this sites size chart. I had my eye on another active one that size, and will add him. There was a big beautiful enormous one that is apple size-- would love to give him a good home, but do not have the space for a crabitat that would meet his needs....aleady have a vivarium taking up a whole wall for my big Beardy dragon boy, although he seldom uses it, since he prefers to be out with me all the time. He follows me everywhere, like a dog. At two feet long, he is quite comfortable on the furniture, floor or my bed. (He is not at all normal size; he is the second largest Beardy in the U. S. currently, and still growing. What a beast! but a gentle giant and loves all the attention he gets in public for his unusual color and size) I hope to become as successful a caretaker of the crabs as I am with him. I think this forum will help me become a great crab owner-- it has some great info, and clearly some very devoted crab owners who are generous with their knowledge to newbies like me. I may not know much about Hermit crabs, but I do know Beardies, so if anyone has any questions about them, or just is curious about Dez, Please feel free to PM me.

If someone has some more advice about setting up a proper crabitat that they would care to share, I am open to suggestions. Looking at other crabitats on this site, they like alot of climbing, exploring, hiding, empty shells, and rain forest conditions. Makes sense, if they come from a tropical area like the mangrove forests along the Florida Keys. Arnold has the big purple claw, so I am guessing he is a "PP" hermie. I will post a few photos when he is out and relaxing.

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Re: new and questions

Post by ivegotcrabs » Sat Aug 26, 2017 9:15 pm

hey again...I just discovered there is a topic board for new crabs and new members for intoductions, and I should probably have posted this there...oops! Still getting to know this site. Dont know how to move this, and not too tech saavy, but maybe a moderator could move it if they think it should be moved? sorry for the goof

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Re: new and questions

Post by Happyhermiehome » Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:25 pm

sounds like u will be a great crabbie parent! :) I'd love to see a pic of your buddy Arnold and of that beast of beardie :shock: :)
Livin' the Crazy crab life :P

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