Wetting the Sand

This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.

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Wetting the Sand

Post by Guest » Mon May 11, 2009 11:41 pm

I had posted in the new member forum a question about wetting the sand. So I did wet it and it is the right texture. But then I went back to view more responses and saw that someone put to use salt water to wet the sand. Well I didn't know and used regular it was de-chlorinated though. Is this OK or do I need to redo it or wait????

Help!!! I hope I did not mess them up in any way. So far they love it immediately they began digging and my big girl went right over to the honey and peanut butter all she does is eat and drink. She ate for a long time. The others I do not notice eating as much her...

How do your crabs eat do they all eat once a day? My one I have not seen eat, yesterday I hand fed her that is the only time I have seen her eat.


Topic author

Post by hermiegirl » Tue May 12, 2009 7:04 am

Wetting the sand with regular de-chlor instead of salt de-chlor is just fine. I do that all the time with mine. As for them eating, mine eat when they want to. I think most of them chow down at night when I'm asleep, but I do see a few during the day.
