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Re: Very lost on heating

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 12:25 pm
by Hermias_mom
wrswrs2 wrote:I have a UTH not a heat lamp. I just mean when I turn the light to the tank on it heats it up into the 80s but the humidity goes downhill. So now I end up misting a couple times a day
Sounds like you're using the wrong type of light bulb or lamp if you're looking for light rather than heat out of your light. The UTH should be large enough to heat the tank air and substrate to 80F on its own. Only the ones from Ultratherm and Flukers have enough power (wattage?) to do this, and only these brands can be insulated , which helps you get your temps up without causing a fire. If your UTH is not getting the tank to 80F on its own, and it is mounted on the back of the tank above the level of the substrate, then it's either the wrong brand or is too small. Or it may need to be insulated. Most of the time, the UTH will need to cover the majority (2/3 to 3/4) of the back of your tank, in order to get the heating required.

For recommendations on lighting, see the lighting care guide post. viewtopic.php?f=25&t=92543

Sounds as if you got ahold of some lighting that puts out heat, and that's why your substrate is drying out. I think you should try a cooler light. Maybe fluorescent or LED? But it also sounds like you have something going on with your UTH, because it should be keeping your tank at a stable 80F all on its own.

I'm assuming you're using the standard 5:1 playsand/Eco-earth substrate moistened with marine saltwater until sandcastle consistency. I'm also assuming you have a glass aquarium with a glass lid (or mesh lid covered in plastic wrap) to keep humidity in your tank. I'm also assuming at least 6" deep substrate. If any of my assumptions are wrong, these could be contributing factors to your tank behavior.

Re: Very lost on heating

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 6:56 pm
by wrswrs2
It's probably the substrate. I am probably not using enough Eco Earth.
usually I do a clean on Tuesdays, so I will add more Eco Earth! Also my lights are incandescent, I have some of those LED ones, I will swap one out and see if that changes anything!

Re: Very lost on heating

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:24 am
by Hermias_mom
wrswrs2 wrote:It's probably the substrate. I am probably not using enough Eco Earth.
usually I do a clean on Tuesdays, so I will add more Eco Earth! Also my lights are incandescent, I have some of those LED ones, I will swap one out and see if that changes anything!
Sounds like some good things to try! Good luck!

Re: Very lost on heating

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:02 pm
by wrswrs2
I changed the lighting and now have on LED and one incandescent and the temp is 79 and the Humidity is 72!
I really want the Humidity to be higher and add more Eco Earth, but one of my crabs is now MIA and I don't know if s/he is molting so I probably should wait to see if s/he comes around.

Re: Very lost on heating

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:00 am
by GotButterflies
wrswrs2 wrote:I have a UTH not a heat lamp. I just mean when I turn the light to the tank on it heats it up into the 80s but the humidity goes downhill. So now I end up misting a couple times a day
Make sure you mist with dechlorinated water. :) Also - the problem with misting, is it can lead to flooding.

I haven't read this post in a while because I've read it so many times already, and I'm limited on time. I would get a larger UTH from or and quit using the heat lamp, and or try insulating your tank. Do not insulate over your UTH if you have a zoomed heater. :)

Re: Very lost on heating

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:42 am
by wrswrs2
I never was using a heat lamp. It was just the light from the tank hood.
But I switched out the bulbs to LED insteda of incandescent and now the heat and humidity are much better and more stabilized!

Re: Very lost on heating

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:22 am
by wodesorel
They don't list them as being the same thing, but heat bulbs are the same exact thing as incandescents. They just slap some colored glass on it and charge more. Both create the same amount of heat which can really mess with well laid plans! LED and the spiral florescents will run cool. I swapped out all my lighitng for LED because it looks better, is cheaper, and no worries of shattered glass!