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Which UTH should I get for a 10 or 20 Gall and anything else

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:51 am
by crabfan3567
I might be buying anew 10 gallon or 20 gall tank for hermies and i want my temp to be about 80 degress cuz most people say thats ideal. Which UTH should i get bc I need one and by reading one of th eposts about tank conditions, do I need anything else like heat lamps or that stuff for my hermies relating to heat and like vitamin D IM kinda confused pls help thx

Re: Which UTH should I get for a 10 or 20 Gall and anything

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:45 pm
by NLindsey921
You should get an ultratherm from they are good for the price. And it's better to buy one of these now and save some money rather than having to buy a new one every few months or so.

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Re: Which UTH should I get for a 10 or 20 Gall and anything

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 1:54 pm
by daws409
You'll also want to get the biggest UTH that will fit along the back and ABOVE the sub. is your best bet.

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