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55g prep for upcoming move - need suggestions

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:57 am
by Kermie16
We are planning to move in a couple of months. Grateful it will be in warmer conditions and the move is not a long distance move. Just about 15 minutes by car. Only concern would be moving molting crabs in the tank. My tank is 55g and has about 250lbs of mixed sand with EE. I am planning on taking out all decor and putting the crabs above sub into my 20g tank which I keep as back up for ISO - it already has a UTH and a second set of bubblers etc. All three of my medium sized crabs (I have had since April 2016 and have molted at least 3-4 times with me) are now down. One went down in August, second down about a month ago and last one down about 1-2 weeks ago. They all take at least 3 months to molt. I hate that I will need to move during their molts ☹️ There is no way for me to move the tank with all the sub in there and with them in there safely. I will need to remove a lot of the sub and bring it separately. What to do about the crabs? I'm thinking of using one of my extra plastic totes I use for storage (solid color, not clear) and making up 3 Tupperware ISO's and digging them up and putting them in iso's and then all together into the tote to help maintain the darkness . I think for the short time driving they would be ok without added heat but I will attach some body warmers in the tote just in case. Then once we are moved, I can re-set up the main tank asap and get the guys in the 20g back in the 55g and move all iso's into the 20g and keep covered. Thoughts?? Recommendations?? Any advice would be really appreciated!! Thanks!!!

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Re: 55g prep for upcoming move - need suggestions

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:01 pm
by mool
I would buy and set up another tank (is it time for an upgrade?). By setting up a 2nd tank, you will limit the stress caused by moving. Just plop those who are above ground into the new tank. If the trip is 15 minutes, they'll only be out of tank for that amount of time and they'll not have to be moved again later. Once and done.

As for the 55 and the molters, I would leave them and move the tank with them in it--paring out as much weight as you can. When they emerge, put them in with the others. When the tank is empty, sell it or set it back up as a 2nd tank.

Re: 55g prep for upcoming move - need suggestions

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:14 pm
by Kermie16
Thanks mool! I definitely cannot go bigger than the 55g. I have my 20g which I already have set up as an ISO for emergency purposes. I could put the ones that are above ground in there. My main concern would be with those molting in the bigger tank. It will be moved by a moving truck as I don't have room for it in my car. I will try to remove some of the sub in the larger tank to decrease the chances of the glass cracking . If I don't find any molters while doing this, would it be ok for them to be moved in the main tank via a moving truck? I am concerned about their tunnels and caves collapsing. It would be a smoother ride in my car but again I just don't have the space for it.

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Re: 55g prep for upcoming move - need suggestions

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 9:21 pm
by aussieJJDude
Is it possible to set up one of the tanks there - probably better to be the 55g as its their permanent home - and keep the crabs in the 20g for a few weeks prior? And then when it comes to the big move, run it like you suggested. Once you get to your new house, plop them straight in - the first thing you do so you don't forget - and at most, make sure your electricity is working before you decide to move so the tank is at the appropriate heat.

Re: 55g prep for upcoming move - need suggestions

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:33 pm
by mool
Ugh. I get your full dilemma now. Were it me, I would not allow any crabs to ride in the mover's truck. Personally, I would not let them out of my site.

I know this makes things more problematic for you, but it will also give you complete control of the crabs at all times.

Re: 55g prep for upcoming move - need suggestions

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:14 pm
by Kermie16
Exactly. So my plan is to try and get the back up 20g tank set up first at new place (hopefully if timing works out and current renters move out on time!), then I can bring the ones who have already surfaced in a little ISO kind of container and plop them in the already set up 20g. Then I have to take out some sub from the main tank so the movers can move the tank for me. I will expect to find some molters as I know they are digging all around there - only way I can tell that is that the alternating layers of play sand and EE have been getting stirred up:) . I think since they seem to like to dig down by the pools, I will start on the opposite end of the tank. Mool, just as u said, I would rather have the hermies with me rather than with the movers - so will purposefully also be looking for molters so I can ISO them. I actually have my old 10g also set up as an ISO so I will scoop up each molter, put them in their own ISO and then into the 10g tank . I will get the 55g set up asap at the new
Place, put the surfaces guys in the 55g. What should I do with the molters I have in separate iso's? I thought maybe best to put their ISO's in the main tank as heat and humidity will be stable. Or I could put them in the 20g that will also have better heat and humidity than the 10g. Thoughts??

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Re: 55g prep for upcoming move - need suggestions

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 4:11 am
by Just Jay
I have had the best luck with putting my isos in my main tank. I just cut a hole out of the tuppy top leaving a "window" if you will. i once siliconed netting over the opening to not allow other tank mates in. it was fine but i felt like i had to be really fragile tanking the top off to mist netting. The second time i just used plastic clips to clip a wash clother over the top. This was my favorite because i got to cover the whole container so it was dark enough. I just misted the cloth so it was warm and humid enough. Plus my other crabs could climb all over the cloth and "drink" moister but not bother thier molting tank mate. Hope its a quick and easy move!

Re: 55g prep for upcoming move - need suggestions

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:37 am
by Kermie16
The damp wash cloth with plastic clips is a neat idea! Thanks Just Jay!

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Re: 55g prep for upcoming move - need suggestions

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 5:43 pm
by Just Jay
Trial and error! Upside of a great community as well!

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