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Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:57 pm
by Emm33333
Besides craistlist where could I get cheap tanks?
Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:30 pm
by agentcrabby
Did you check Petco's $ per gallon sale? ... and-events
Sent from The South Florida Kingdom of Hermies
Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:34 pm
by Emm33333
Yup. I got a 29g from them just the other day. Unfortunately I'm looking for something larger than a 55 which I believe is the biggest they have plus I need a stand. Thanks though!
Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:59 pm
by daws409
Emm33333 wrote:Yup. I got a 29g from them just the other day. Unfortunately I'm looking for something larger than a 55 which I believe is the biggest they have plus I need a stand. Thanks though!
Some of the stores include 75 gal... I read it on another post.
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Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:12 pm
by Renorattler
Check the Letgo app and the Facebook marketplace. Those seem to be less scoured than Craigslist sometimes. I've found some really good deals on items that have been listed a while. If something is still for sale after a couple months people are much more eager to let it go.
Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:13 pm
by kieagcarm
LetGo had good stuff, lots of tanks plus stands. Already getting a bigger tank?
Sent from my C5215 using Tapatalk
Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:18 pm
by Emm33333
Ok. I'll check them out. Yes, lol. Gotta keep up with the crabby obsession!
Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:22 pm
by GotButterflies
OfferUp is another app

I have also heard of BooKoo. I don't have one in my area, but perhaps you do
Not sure where you live, but I live in Florida...I have a 46g, a 55g and a 75g that I need to list for sale

Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:50 pm
by Emm33333
Thanks! I'll check those out also. I live in Ohio, but if I lived closer to Florida I would gladly take the 75g. Assuming it would cost a fortune to ship. Lol too. Talk later. Hopefully I'll find a good new tank but unfortunately it won't have any happy crabbies to live in it till at least Christmas next year cause it will take me a long time to get everything I need.
Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:33 pm
by GotButterflies
Good luck!

Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 10:34 pm
by GotButterflies
Also, if you have a local paper, you can check the classified ads online.

Re: Where could I get some cheap tanks?
Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:22 pm
by mool
$1.00/gallon is the rate for used tanks. That you can get new ones for that is incredible.
I picked up a new 75 gallon and only paid $55.00 for it because I had several saved coupons on my rewards card and another printed coupon for $5.00.