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Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:38 pm
by Emm33333
Hey guys! I just had a few questions about moving with molting crabs. I will be getting 6 PP's from a very kind lady from Cincinnati and all supplies with tank (she's about a hour away and I'll be driving all the way to her house) . I know it's possible to move with molters but I just have a few questions.

For the non-molting crabs should I bring my 29g to transport or would a tote be fine for the moment?

Should I take back roads and avoid traffic or fast areas in order to keep the molting crabs safe?

Thanks! Any answers will be appreciated! :D

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:48 pm
by GotButterflies
You will need to put each of the molting crabs in an individual tupperware container. I wouldn't transfer them in the tank. Their tunnels could collapse while driving/moving. Transferring them in a tote would be fine. Just make sure there is an inch or so of substrate and some things to munch on like leaves, cholla, etc. Exciting!! Good luck!! :)

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:11 pm
by Emm33333
GotButterflies wrote:You will need to put each of the molting crabs in an individual tupperware container. I wouldn't transfer them in the tank. Their tunnels could collapse while driving/moving. Transferring them in a tote would be fine. Just make sure there is an inch or so of substrate and some things to munch on like leaves, cholla, etc. Exciting!! Good luck!! :)
Thank you! I'm kinda confused though. From what I understand you are recommending that I or the current owner dig up the crabs when I get there and put them in individual plastic container. Is that correct? I'll be sure to put in sand and some food. By digging them up, wouldn't that cause them potential harm? Thanks. I think I had one more question but I can't remember what it was :hlol:

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:12 pm
by Emm33333
I remember! If it's a problem I can always get them all once they are all up. The should be up soon from what the lady told me

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:31 pm
by aussieJJDude
When transporting crabs, its often better that they are above ground. Movement in the shipping process can cause tunnels and caves to collapse, just like moving your house would place stress on the walls and beams. If they aren't moulting, they can be safely kept togethor in a small tote for the shipping process - or if you prefer, a tank... Whatever you want! - but for moulters, best thing would be to have a small container(s) ready, things like the plastic takeaway snap lock containers would work - with holes - or small sandwich containers - with holes... you get the picture? Fill those with moss and place the crab inside, 1 crab for one container.

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:50 pm
by GotButterflies
You could even put all of the molters in individual tupperware containers in a large dark colored tote to make it less stressful. (Just a thought).

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:56 am
by Emm33333
aussieJJDude wrote:When transporting crabs, its often better that they are above ground. Movement in the shipping process can cause tunnels and caves to collapse, just like moving your house would place stress on the walls and beams. If they aren't moulting, they can be safely kept togethor in a small tote for the shipping process - or if you prefer, a tank... Whatever you want! - but for moulters, best thing would be to have a small container(s) ready, things like the plastic takeaway snap lock containers would work - with holes - or small sandwich containers - with holes... you get the picture? Fill those with moss and place the crab inside, 1 crab for one container.
Okay. I will definitely try that if it comes to it that that's the only weekend I can get them. Thanks! :)

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:01 am
by Emm33333
GotButterflies wrote:You could even put all of the molters in individual tupperware containers in a large dark colored tote to make it less stressful. (Just a thought).
That is a good idea! So, when I get home after I set up the tank (which I'll be as quick as I can to do) what should I do with the ISO'd molters? I'd probably not put them in the main tank because couldn't they be in danger cause they smell like EXO and all the other crabs like that? Also, are they strong enough to dig themselfs another hole, midmolt? If I'm able I really just rather get them when they are all up just so they aren't in as much danger and stress.

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 8:01 pm
by Emm33333
Wanted to let you guys know that the lady said that the molting crabs she thinks are about to come up because it's been around the time it usually takes them :)

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:09 am
by Persia352
I bought the Tupperware containers. I am hoping they will be up before we move! One has opened the molting window and I have found out from previous experience the molt is just about over. They have been down for 3 weeks now and they are on the smaller side. :) Thanks again for all your help!

Re: Adopting crabs and some are molting. Have to drive

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 2:40 pm
by Dragonfreak
Good luck...

love my babies..human ones too!!