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Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:58 pm
by ErraticArtist

I have done some searching but cannot seem to find if anyone has used sagebrush specifically for hermit crabs? I have a lovely branch I grabbed on a recent hike and would like to treat it and use in the crabitat but I'm not sure if it is an appropriate wood. My only real hesitation is that is has such a strong odour, will the crabs be ok with that? It's such a lovely twisty wood that I think they would like to climb. It's one of the few plants that grow around here in enough abundance that I don't feel bad grabbing a branch from, everything else is cedar or pine, or someones personal stuff that's likely pesticide treated.


Re: Sagebrush

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:58 pm
by RebsCritters
Unfortunately, a lot of what we deem safe for our hermit crabs is largely based on speculation. From what I understand, the general consensus is that if it's used as a natural deterrent or toxin to insects, then it is unfit for use in hermit crab enclosures. Many people stick to this rule as they don't want to risk the health of their crabs just to find out what's ok and what isn't. Some people will try new things though, as this is how we learn (and this is the basic foundation of science). It's a personal choice, and one that should not be made lightly.

I'm not sure how you intend to treat this branch. If you've collected it directly from the living plant (as opposed to picking it up off the ground, weathered), the branch will remain alive for a while and continue to secrete its oils, which is what creates that strong odor and what will pose the greatest risk to the crabs' safety if this plant proves to be harmful.

.. Actually, I've just looked up sagebrush and judging from the composition of its oils I'm going to say it's most likely unsafe. Here's what I found:

Sagebrush essential oil contains approximately 40% l-camphor; 20% pinene; 7% cineole; 5% methacrolein; and 12% a-terpinene, d-camphor, and sesqiterpenoids.[41]

The plant's oils are toxic to the liver and digestive system of humans if taken internally, so care must be taken during any form of internal use. Generally, toxic symptoms will subside 24–48 hours after ingesting the plant.[37]"

It's the l-camphor and pinene that I'm looking at to determine that, aside from the toxicity to humans if ingested. These may be extremely irritating to the crabs, at the least.

I'd say it's best not to use it in your tank. Sorry.

Re: Sagebrush

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 5:29 pm
by ErraticArtist
Thank you for the info! That's actually exactly the type of info I was looking for I just wasn't getting anywhere in my own searches :D

Yeah I cut a branch straight from a bush on a hike, but I won't use it, no big deal. It's been sitting outside my house drying out all week and I was going to strip it off leaves and things and bake it in the oven to treat it. Maybe I can find something else locally

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