This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.
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Post by caden21 » Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:28 pm

I am new to the whole crab thing and have a decent amount of questions I'd love some clearing up on. First- substrate. I've decided I'm going to go for the play sand and coconut fiber mix, but have some questions on how to go about it. I've read that its good to mix the 2 together, but I've also seen pictures of both in the tank separated one side sand and the other coconut fiber. Which way is better/more beneficial?? I also read about keeping the substrate moist and am a little confused. Do I pour in salt water and mix it into sand castle consistency and keep moist by spraying fresh water? Or did I misread? I just need some clarification on that one since I thought I had read the salt can harm the molters. I have a screen lid am thinking about duct taping it up to preserve heat and humidity and leaving 2 sides open for air circulation, but I am wanting to bring in some heat lights. I was going to just tape around the light, but is that safe or is there another way I should be doing it? Purchasing a different lid is not preferable. This last question doesn't have much to do with crabitat conditions, but I thought I'd tack it on the end anyways. When bathing your crab in saltwater is it supposed to exit the shell? I read somewhere that it is supposed to, but when I tried to bathe mine today it didn't.
Question points:
-Mix sand and fiber or separate?
-Is pouring saltwater in the substrate and keeping moist with freshwater correct?
-How to keep humidity+ heat in with screen lid and heat light w/o purchasing dif lid?
-Does hermit leave shell during bathing?

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Post by aussieJJDude » Mon Jul 03, 2017 11:48 pm

Ok. Brief as currently sightseeing the Kimberley... welcome however! :)
Its your choice to mix the substrate. Some do. Some dont. :)
Yep. Saltwater from the start and then freshwater. Salt doesnt evaporate while water does. So to reduce salt buildup, go with freshwater.
With screen lids you can place plexiglass or clingwrap over the top to keep in the humidity. Just be aware if using heat lamps, keep the cover away from the light.
Nope. They stay in the shell. Its common to see the crabs wash it out.

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Post by GotButterflies » Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:11 pm

Hello! Welcome to the HCA!

Please do not bathe your crab. That is a stressful practice that is no longer recommended UNLESS your crab has harmful mites. It is recommended that you provide them with two pools (dechlorinated freshwater and Dechlorinated marine water) that are deep enough for them to fully submerge in and safely get out of by themselves.

I personally recommend mixing substrate with dechlorinated marine saltwater initially. After that, you do not pour water onto your substrate. Doing that could collapse tunnels and molting caves. You can mist the top of the substrate if necessary, but you need to be careful not to flood the substrate.

You can do half coco, half sand, or mix them. Eventually the crabs will mix them. I personally recommend mixing it all together it will be better for humidity. Mix it to be sandcastle consistency.

I prefer glass lids myself, but you cannot use heat lamps with them. They will crack. Glass lids help keep humidity in. Crabs need the humidity to breathe.

Hermits do not leave their shell while they bathe. They do mix their own shell water though.

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Post by Lephantome92 » Thu Jul 06, 2017 7:51 pm

In regards to the heat lamp and glass lids: it all depends on positioning. I have a double tank, and the actual bulb itself is about 4" away from the glass, so it can heat a wide area without the worry of glass cracking

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