Can people show some of their other species of land crabs
Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:33 pm
Here's my M. Humberti named Smaug
Dedicated to the care of hermit crabs worldwide.
wolfnipplechips wrote:CUUUUTE!! Never had any other land crabs, but I will post a pic of Tulio, my rescue crayfish. He died during a bad molt last year. I loved how grumpy he was. So much personality.
what kind of crayfish is that? Imagine a land crayfish lolwolfnipplechips wrote:CUUUUTE!! Never had any other land crabs, but I will post a pic of Tulio, my rescue crayfish. He died during a bad molt last year. I loved how grumpy he was. So much personality.
Hahahaha good story to tell! Good on youwolfnipplechips wrote:No idea what kind! He came with an order of goldfish for the petco I work at. We are supposed to destroy any tadpoles or crustaceans that come in with them, but he stole my heart. He was so tiny when I took him home, and he was missing a claw and a leg. Have a soft spot for beady eyes and claws now! lol.