Is my tank set up fine or should I make some adjustments?

This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.
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Is my tank set up fine or should I make some adjustments?

Post by HUGEPurplePuppy » Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:31 pm

I have a 20g (30inx12inx13in). I have 3 of what I think are PPs that are all medium small Image
Here's the set up:
Image Image Image Image
My substrate is a mix of play sand and eco earth. The deepest end is 8 inches and the shallowest end is about 6 inches. I soaked the eco earth in water mixed with Instant Ocean when I made the substrate.The bowl on the right is salt water, the one on the left is fresh water and I use zoo med hermit crab salt water conditioner to make the salt water in the right bowl. I currently feed them some pelleted JurassiDiet from JurassiPet, Hermit Crab fruit salad from zoo med, am trying out (and so far liking Wholesome Hermit Crab food from Eco animal pet products, and I sprinkle Calcium Supplement for Hermit Crabs from Fluker's on their food. So am I doing anything wrong? Any dietary or crabitat feature I should change?

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Re: Is my tank set up fine or should I make some adjustments

Post by LadyJinglyJones » Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:21 am

Hi hi! :D

Sadly, the images seem to be broken, so I can't see your (probably lovely) setup to comment, but I can respond to the other matters.

I do see room for improvement in the food/water department:

I believe that the JurassiDiet contains copper sulfate which is likely to be harmful to craboos, unfortunately.

Here is our page concerning what to avoid in commercial foods: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=92555

Is the calcium supliment the Flukers one with 'honey powder'? If so I'd be leery of the 'honey powder', just because it may contain unlisted preservatives or anti-caking agents, and I've no idea how it's made. Sounds like a cheap sweet additive, and those don't tend to be wholesome.

(After looking up the Eco Pet food I was pleasantly surprised... looks good. I wouldn't say it's an all encompassing diet, but it's good to see another quality hermit food on the market. Did you find it online or in a local store? :) )

Also, the ZooMed hermit crab water conditioners are not great. If you have Instant Ocean, just use that, it's perfect for the job - just mix it with tap water you've added a good dechlorinator to. Much better than saltwater marketed for crabs.

On a broader note, I'm not sure from your description if you're feeding any fresh fruits or veggies regularly. Crabs need access to fresh food too.

Have you looked at the crab nutrition page? I'll link it below... being omnivorous scavengers in the wild (haha - I type that sentence so often it's a predictive text suggestion on my phone now!) Hermits eat a CRAZY variety of foods. From dried leaves an bark, to poop and bird's eggs... hermits eat it. The better we replicate their natural diets the healthier they can be.

So here's the nutrition page:


Literally anything on the safe food list is worth offering.
"Gaze upon the rolling deep..."
Quince the fat tailed gecko; Amazonian minnows; and now Harry & Luis, Bede & Aster, Chandra & Jace, Pax, & Piccolo, my adopted PPs.
RIP Vegita :(

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