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Muscadine Vines-Vitis Rotundifolia

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:25 pm
by RyanScott81
Hi Everyone,

Do any of you have any data or observations about using muscadine vines in a crabitat? I live in SE Texas and the vines grow naturally on my property. I would like to add some to my tat, but I am unsure if I can, and have yet to find any data about their safety for hermits.
I can tell you that the fauna in this region eats the berries and I have as well many times. Down here we even make wine and jelly from them, so know the grapes are safe for human consumption, but what about the vine for a hermit?


Re: Muscadine Vines-Vitis Rotundifolia

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:25 am
by RyanScott81
I found muscadine grapes on the safe food list, still being unsure of the vine itself, I ventured to add it to the tat. My main worry was sap or tannin concentrates from the vine, but as of yet, I have not seen any problems with it. After I cut the length I desired, I let it sit on my back porch for a day. I didn't see or smell anything that gave me pause, so I added it.
Thus far, it is a welcomed addition and it has been climbed on without incident.

Re: Muscadine Vines-Vitis Rotundifolia

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 9:41 am
by GotButterflies
I have used actual grape vines in my crabitats. The concern would be the use of pesticides/fertilizers.

Also, if you have isopods, I will tell you they will breed like MAD in it! :P

Re: Muscadine Vines-Vitis Rotundifolia

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:42 am
by RyanScott81
I know there has not been any type of chemical used on it, it's from my own property. Thus far I don't have any isopods, and I didn't see anything crawling in it before bringing it in