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Is a heavy coco to sand ratio okay?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:46 am
by itsme143
Hi there!
I've read somewhere that most people use more sand than coco in their substrate. I just boosted my substrate so that it's probably 2/3 coco and 1/3 sand. This partly happened by accident; I was looking to raise the height level of the substrate and had more coco than sand so just went for it at the time. But what I found is that humidity is now instantly so much higher and easier to maintain and the crabs are so much more active. I think borderline humidity was the reason I haven't been regularly seeing my crabs like I want. Even though the sand was perfect consistency, I kept having to wet sponges, etc, every couple of days (it was really a pain).

Is this much coco okay in the long run? Do the crabs mind? They seem to happily dig it up when they burrow for the day, but will they be comfortable molting in it, etc? Thanks!

Re: Is a heavy coco to sand ratio okay?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:43 am
by Hermiesguardian
itsme143 wrote:Hi there!
I've read somewhere that most people use more sand than coco in their substrate. I just boosted my substrate so that it's probably 2/3 coco and 1/3 sand. This partly happened by accident; I was looking to raise the height level of the substrate and had more coco than sand so just went for it at the time. But what I found is that humidity is now instantly so much higher and easier to maintain and the crabs are so much more active. I think borderline humidity was the reason I haven't been regularly seeing my crabs like I want. Even though the sand was perfect consistency, I kept having to wet sponges, etc, every couple of days (it was really a pain).

Is this much coco okay in the long run? Do the crabs mind? They seem to happily dig it up when they burrow for the day, but will they be comfortable molting in it, etc? Thanks!
Any combination is fine. Some people do 50/50. Some all sand. Some all coco.

Re: Is a heavy coco to sand ratio okay?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 7:07 pm
by aussieJJDude
As long as its the required substrate depth, HCA does not have a rule on substrate ratios and the like. The 5:1 ratio is the most popular, but whatever you decide on its fine for the crabs.

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Re: Is a heavy coco to sand ratio okay?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:13 am
by sarcasticLynx
Yeah the ratio doesn't matter. It's normally suggested to use less eco earth just because it's more expensive!

Re: Is a heavy coco to sand ratio okay?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:56 am
by GotButterflies
I totally agree with all that is said above. :) The coco will actually help hold the moisture better, so look at it that way :) Hopefully you moistened the substrate with dechlorinated marine saltwater or dechlorinated freshwater to make it sandcastle consistency. :)

Just a reminder, the HCA recommends a minimum of 6" all around the tank OR three times the height of your largest crab. Whichever height is deeper of the two wins. :) After the minimum is met, then you can make height differences if you choose.


Re: Is a heavy coco to sand ratio okay?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 10:15 am
by piratetoothgir
I have big crabs, sized as larges on the chart.
My substrate is ten inches deep, and I have a ratio of 4:5