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Falling through the floor...?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:32 am
by Commanderlcc
Hi, I have four PP’s that I’ve had for almost three years. Right now they are in a twenty gallon tank but I really want to upgrade them to a forty. The problem is that I am in high school and live with my parents so they have a lot of rule over my decisions. I would pay for everything but my mom is worried that it would fall through the floor(my room is upstairs) and they definitely don’t want it on the main level. So my question is, is it possible for the tank to fall through the floor? Thank you’

Re: Falling through the floor...?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:37 am
by wodesorel
The tank would probably weight 300 pounds maximum, and that would be if you filled it half full of sand. In a normally constructed house there would be no issues with having that weight on the second floor!

Re: Falling through the floor...?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:18 am
by aussieJJDude
Unless you have a really badly built house, it won't be that much of a concern.

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Re: Falling through the floor...?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:57 am
by piratetoothgir
I have a 55 on the second floor, and it hasn’t had any issues.
If you have carpet, keep it an inch or more from the wall, you don’t want to lay it on that strip of wood at the edge of the floor, or the tank will tip forward eventually.

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