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Hermit crabs not eating

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:19 pm
by TunaCreb
So I got my crabs a little over a week ago, I change their water bowls everyday and give them fresh food everyday. One is buried under the sand in the corner of the tank, one is dead (his death wasn’t my fault I got him dead from the pet store), one likes to sit in his tree all day and move his position in the tree at night, and one will run off somewhere in the tank and hide until night and then will join his brother in the tree only to return off somewhere again in the morning. I’ve seen one of them take a little sip of the waters I’ve given them but otherwise they haven’t touched anything. Is this normal? Should I be worried? How often do crabs eat?

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Re: Hermit crabs not eating

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:16 pm
by crabbycasey
Mine did the same thing when I first brought them home. I’d say it’s normal and try not to worry...or mess with them. As long as your tank conditions are right, it’s up to them from there. They come from such poor conditions before we ever get them, they need to de-stress and acclimate to their new environment. Also, they are most active at night when it’s quiet and still so maybe they are moving and eating more than you realize!

Have you had a chance to check out the care sheets make sure their crabitat conditions are good and you have the proper food sources for them? The HCA is the reason I have healthy hermits and it’s a great resource when you’re first getting started! Welcome!

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Re: Hermit crabs not eating

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 7:29 pm
by JeffCrab
Hey there TunaCreb,

As crabbycasey mentioned, they are probably fine and there's not much you can/should do. Just keep the tank conditions at the right temperature and humidity, even if the crabs are buried in the sand. Crabs that were just brought home a week ago are extraordinarily stressed and they take time to adjust to their new lives. They were likely picked off of a beach, shipped, dropped off at a store, tossed in a box, and then landed in your tank over the last few weeks. And in-between their beach and your home, they likely haven't had access to proper food, salt water, or humidity.

Keep putting out food and keep patient. Try your best not to mess with the crabs and let them do their thing. It'll all work out.

Note: The only reason you should have to enter their tank, other than to add food/water, is if you start to smell a rotting fish smell. At that point, it would be safe to assume one of them did not make it. :(

Claws crossed for you and welcome!


Re: Hermit crabs not eating

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:30 am
by Pumpkincrab
When I first got my crabs, they ate almost next to nothing. Nothing in the food bowl was ever moved. Until they molted.
When they had their first molt with me, they came up with a huge Now I have 6 and have to refill the food dish every other night.
So I agree with Jeff and Casey! Just give it time. They'll eat when they want to, I'm sure of it.