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New Tiny Hermit Crabs

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 1:46 pm
by Janeek86
I bought 3 tiny hermit crabs their big claw is no bigger than my pinky nail. I want to can I put them in my tank with my 5 big hermit crabs or should I just leave them in the new crabitat I set up for them? And also what about water bowls what kind can they use? They are so tiny I'm afraid they will drowned. And my third question is I can't seem to find very tiny shells for the smallest one. Can someone please help?

Re: New Tiny Hermit Crabs

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2022 2:29 pm
by JoeHermits
They can be housed with larger crabs but you’ll have to keep an eye on them to make sure they get along. Dipping everyone in the freshwater so they smell the same will help.

Water shouldn’t be an obstacle so long as they can climb out okay. Mesh or plastic plants will help, otherwise shallow shells or small pet dishes will do (they don’t need to submerge to get water in their shells).

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Re: New Tiny Hermit Crabs

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:31 pm
by AutumnFalls
For small shells, you could look at your local dollar store or even a craft store.

Like JoeHemrit said, you can use mesh to make a ramp for the smaller crabs. To test my ramps (when I had a smaller crab), I would place my smalleat crab in the water dish and see if he could get your on his own. If he can't, you're there to rescue the little guy(s).