New to Crabs

This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.
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New to Crabs

Post by jordanfinto » Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:54 am

Hi!! I was a little nervous posting on here because i didny know exactly what responses i would get but my hermit crabs health matter more than anything! I have 2 hermit crabs from a beach souvenir shop. When i first got my tank i was feeling very confident, but now seeing other tanks im starting to worry that mine isnt big enough or decorated enough. I have a ten gallon tank and ive had a lot of trouble setting it up. I want to give them space to move but also more things to climb on. Right now we are moving so i havent had time to make their saltwater other than today when i bathed them in it but ive been using pure life waterbottles as their fresh water because ive read and was told at the pet store this is ok. Also i have no clue how to keep my tank humid. I put a zoomed heater on the bottom of the tank and so far my crabs seem to love it, but im very worried about the humid part. So, really my main questions are: Is my tank big enough? How to "decorate" properly? And how to keep the tank humid?
Im going to show pictures of the tank and any help will be appreciated! Also im working on finding shells the right size everytime ive ordered theyve been to small.

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Re: New to Crabs

Post by jordanfinto » Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:56 am

Accidentally created it before i could add the pictures. Here!Image
I have more branches and another plant but i really don't know how to incorporate it without taking the big branch out which they've loved so dar.

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Re: New to Crabs

Post by curlysister » Tue Aug 13, 2024 10:23 pm

Looks like you are off to a good start! I had my two crabs in a ten gallon tank for the first 2 or 3 years I had them - then because they had grown, upgraded to a 20 gallon for a couple more years, then a 40 gallon, and now a 65 gallon!
There are a few things that will need to be improved to ensure long term health of your crabs.
The heat mat does not go under the tank for crabs - it is actually a fire hazard there. It should be on the back or side of your tank.
You will need a thermometer+hygrometer to monitor the heat and humidity in your tank. Crabs have modified gills and need humidity around 80% in order to breathe. And temps around 80F.
The sponges will harbor bacteria, so remove them from the water.
Bottled water isn't well regulated, so it should still be treated with a dechlorinator. Then be sure to use a marine salt to make the salt water.
Pellet food usually contains preservatives that are not safe long term. Crabs need a varied diet, including animal protein and calcium daily. They can eat many of the same foods as we do.
What kind of sand are you using? If it is calcium sand, you will need to remove it because it gets hard like cement when wet. You will want to get play sand, and you can add coco fiber if you want. It should be at least 2 - 3 times as deep as your largest crab, and moistened with dechlorinated water so that it holds its shape for crabs to tunnel underground and not have the tunnels collapse.
Have you looked at our care sheets yet? You may see photos of really elaborate tank set ups, but a basic tank is really all that is needed - all of my tanks have been basic, and I have had my big crab for almost 14 years. Start with the 'basics' care sheet, then go from there:

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." -Will Rogers

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