Fresh water & Salt Water
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Fresh water & Salt Water
I only have fresh water (bottled) in my tank right now. Should I be offering salt water also?
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I would recomend a salt pool. my guys love it. just be sure not to use table salt, as the anti-clumping agents will kill the crabs. I have used the oceanic salt with good results, and am currently using HBH Crab Bath Salt, because of its ease anf convienence! (a small conatiner i can just scoop some out of! very nice)
I use marine salt because ther live near oceans, so it seems to make sense to me. I know other people use Doc Welfishes salt, but since its for fresh water fish, it has a few different minerals and such....
I use marine salt because ther live near oceans, so it seems to make sense to me. I know other people use Doc Welfishes salt, but since its for fresh water fish, it has a few different minerals and such....
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The HBH salt mix is good b/c it has added calcium for exo-care. Just check its saltiness by tasting a bit of it - some commercial hermit-crab salts actually have very little salt in them (eb. Zoo-Med Hermit Crab salt). It should taste strongly salty. Oceanic or Bio-sea Marine Mix, or Red-Sea salt mix, or Real-Ocean water (actual filtered sea water!) are also great brands.
Doc Wellfish is also fine.
EDIT: Taste the mixed-up saltwater I mean, not the powder!
Doc Wellfish is also fine.
EDIT: Taste the mixed-up saltwater I mean, not the powder!