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Are wire cages a good or bad idea for a crabitat?

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:50 pm
by Guest
I seriously want to get more crabs, I love the 3 I have to death, but their current crabitat will not hold anymore then 3 comfortably. I am very short on money, I have some important things I need to be setting tons of money aside now (though im going to apply for another job tomorrow that seems to pay well, so ill probably be able to spend a little more should I get this job), so I really can't afford a giant aquarium (we have a pretty big one right now, but its set-up/wired up for fish (and I really want fish again).

Since I've been little, the Petland I've frequented alot has kept their crabs in a giant wire crabitat (custom built) that I thought would be big enough and perfect for more crabs (since they love climbing up the little thing I have on the back wall of their crabitat now) Then I found a really big wire crabitat for a very reasonable price... But what concerns me is how open it is, how would I retain the proper humidity?

I'm fortunate enough to not have to worry about the crabs getting too cold or too hot, but of couse the air inside is dry, which I'm worried in a wire crabitat would zap all the moisture out.

Is this a good or bad idea?

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:45 pm
by annopia
on the large, wire crabitats are a bad idea. the wire can rust easily (toxic to hermies), and the correct, high humidity is almost impossible to obtain.


Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:05 pm
by Guest
Thanks, just wanted to make sure before I bought anything... I guess I will just save up for a tank them.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:32 pm
by Willow
Wow, how much did the wire cage cost? All the wire cages I've seen were way more expensive than glass tanks, relative to size. A 10g tank is only about $10.00, and a 20g tank about $35.00, and the largest wire cage I've seen was still smaller than a 20g tank, and cost about $40.00. Anyway, unless you live in the Florida Keys with no air conditioning (high heat and humidity there), you'll definitely need a glass tank. There's just no way to keep heat and humidity in a wire cage.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:04 am
by Guest
It was a 12" x 18" wire cage for $27

Wow, the tanks where I was looking at cost a whole lot more then that O.o I wish the Wal-Mart here hadn't gotten rid of their fish (though they havent had them for years), they used to carry tanks for cheap, but they dont anymore...

We used to have this really large tank I used as a fishtank when I was little, I could probably get 20+ crabs in it... I think my grandma got rid of it though XP