Research about Crabs And how they react to Deep Cleans.

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Research about Crabs And how they react to Deep Cleans.

Post by OIF_VET » Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:30 am

Copy/Paste or "Quote" and Answer Please. As stated in the Subject line, I am curious how Deep Cleans Affect or Hermies. On with a few Questions. I Promise this will be Short and Pinchless, err umm Painless.

1) What types of Crabs Do U have?

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before?

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat?

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards?

5) If So, How?

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean?

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards?

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"?

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?

11) Did you switch to a Different Substrate? Or do something different with the Substrate? IE: From all PlaySand to Half PlaySand and Half EE.

*Thank you for Participating in this.
OIF_VET :smileflag:
Last edited by OIF_VET on Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Welcome to the HCA! Advice for the Stressed, Owners and Crabs alike.
Been Crabby Since 8/16/05 Land, Marine Hermit Crabs Since Summer '04
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Post by Hermit_of_Hermit_Crabs » Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:39 am

1) What types of Crabs Do U have?
PPs and Es

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before?
All but for one E and 5 of the PPs.

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat?
I do after every deep clean.

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards?

5) If So, How?
They were more curious and generally more active for a couple weeks.

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean?

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards?

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"?

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?

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Post by Kilimanjaro » Tue Aug 21, 2007 11:00 am

I just got through a deep clean a few days ago, so I'll be back here to modify this post in a few days if something unusual goes on.

1) What types of Crabs Do U have?
1 Straw, 2 Ecuadorians, 2 Purple Pinchers

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before?
Just recently, 2 days ago

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat?
Yes, I added cocofiber, placed everything in different spaces, and added a shower caddy for shells

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards?
So far, no. They are just exploring

5) If So, How?

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean?
Yes, 1 day after. I don't think this was related to the deep clean because I have been having frequent deaths for unknown causes.

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards?

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"?
My Straw dug in the cocofiber (which is more like coco-chips, bad brand) and sat there for a while.

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?
One day.

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?
My Straw dug down a bit and sat there for a while. She is now hiding in her shell on the surface.

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Post by bksbuddha » Sun Aug 26, 2007 2:11 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have?
Straws, Es, Ruggies, PPs, 1 Indo

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before?
Most of them have.

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat?
Sometimes I've changed a few deco items, but the basic layout is the same. I usually switch out the shells when I count all of them to be sure that noone is in the empties.

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards?
They only acted differently than they do when I don't mess w/the tat.

5) If So, How?
I always get a frenzy of activity that last for at least a couple of days to week following the deep clean.

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean?

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards?
Not unless they were due to.

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"?
They didn't all disappear. After the initial frenzy, settled back into their "norm".

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress
I march to the beat of a different drummer...did I mention my husband is a drummer!

PPs,Straws,Es,Ruggies, Violas, & Indos!
3 Hounds, 1 Bunny-Lilly, 6 PDFs, Corns-Slither,Squiggle,Sparkle,Spirit,& Skully, Crayfish-Chester & Little Fella, Ts-Allure, Charisma, & Ladybird!

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Post by HERMEZ » Sun Aug 26, 2007 3:06 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have? PPS, Rugs, Violas, Cavie, Straws, E, Indos

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before? yes all of them

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat? always-sometimes during weekly cleaning

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards? More active and interested in shells and exploring

5) If So, How? oops see above

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean? no

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards? yes-periodically if they were trying to molt and or close to molting

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"? no

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?
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Post by hermietastic » Sat Sep 29, 2007 7:03 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have?
6 PPs and 1 E
2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before?
Yes, 2
3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat?
yes, every 1 or 2 months
4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards?
Active, but my one shy PP always burys down.
5) If So, How?
6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean?
7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards?
8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"?
9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"? A couple hours, but the often does that,

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?
In his little hut, but he just burys down. He doesnt cover himself, recently molted.
2 Bombina Orentalis
2 Eublepharis macularius
5 Coenobita clypeatus


Post by brandi9976 » Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:08 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have? PP's, E's, Rugs, Straws, Indo's

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before? yes

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat? yes

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards? No

5) If So, How?

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean? No

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards? No

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"? No

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?


Post by Guest » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:53 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have?
2 purple-clawed land hermit crabs.

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before?

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat?
Yep, a lot. I like to keep variety for them.

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards?
Nope! Actually they were out of their log more! :D

5) If So, How?

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean?

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards?
Mine haven't molted yet, but I have only had them since July so it's not really expected yet. ;)

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"? Nope.

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?


Post by Guest » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:24 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have?

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before?

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat?

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards?

5) If So, How?

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean?
NO :)

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards?

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"?

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?

Hoped this Helped!


Post by hermiefanatic » Sun Oct 28, 2007 2:16 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have? e's, 1 rug, and pp's

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before? most of them

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat? i chang4 it everytime i do a deep clean

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards? yes

5) If So, How? generally they were more active and curious for a couple wks afterward

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean? no

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards? 1 1 did

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"?

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress? just not being as active,

11) did you switch substrates? no, i use a sand\ee mix non divided
Last edited by hermiefanatic on Mon Nov 05, 2007 2:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.


Post by Guest » Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:33 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have? 15 pp, 2 straws

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before? yes

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat? yes

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards? yes

5) If So, How? were interested in everything & checking everything out

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean? no

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards? yes 6 of them at a time

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"? they molted

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"? they were all normal

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?

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Post by OIF_VET » Mon Nov 05, 2007 11:37 am

Thank you all for Participating in this research. I Just added 1 more question.
I forgot to ask it when I created this.
Again, Thank you all for the Help :)
Welcome to the HCA! Advice for the Stressed, Owners and Crabs alike.
Been Crabby Since 8/16/05 Land, Marine Hermit Crabs Since Summer '04
Currently Have 4 PPs. I have Countless Successful Molts!
MY "Lil Dudes"


Post by Guest » Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:35 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have? Es, PPs, Ruggies, and Straws

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before? All but the straws

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat? Yeah, I actually did last night

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards? Yeah

5) If So, How? They all kinda... freaked out and ran around the tank, climbing all over and knocking stuff over.

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean? No, but i've found deaths during a deep clean.. which is commen since.

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards? I have had a few do that, yes.

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"? No, not really.

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"? They start acting normal after a few hours.

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress? Mine just seemed to explore the tank and stuff. And knock all the food out of the bowl in the process.

11) Did you switch to a Different Substrate? Or do something different with the Substrate? No, I dont usually change substrate. All playsand for right now!


Post by Guest » Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:47 pm

1) What types of Crabs Do U have?
Right now, just my one PP, Knuckles.

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before?

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat?
Dramatically. I figured that he'd eat more if his food dish was further away from where I sit, so I put it in the opposite corner of where it used to be. I also swapped his Coco Hut and salt water dish. All of his essentials are away from me, so he won't be stressed every time I move.

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards?

5) If So, How?
He's become noticeably more active.

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean?
No, he seems to actually be healthier now.

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards?
Not yet, but it looks like he might be getting ready to.

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"?
He hasn't dug down at all. I even started digging a little hole for him to see if he'd get the idea, but all he did was move some dirt around and walk away to his favorite log.

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?
See above. He's always been attracted to that log, regardless of conditions.

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?
See above.

11) Did you switch to a Different Substrate? Or do something different with the Substrate? IE: From all PlaySand to Half PlaySand and Half EE.
Yeah; coco fibers and sand wasn't retaining enough moisture, so I got a gallon of loose dirt from my back yard, microwaved it to purify it, and plunked it in. It's eight parts dirt, one part sand, three parts coco fiber.


Post by Guest » Fri Dec 14, 2007 8:11 am

1) What types of Crabs Do U have?
I have 5 Straws, 3 Ruggies, 4 Indos, 1 C. Violascens, 1 Cavipes and one unknown species...(I don't put names cause its too long for 15 names)

2) Have they been thru a Deep Clean with you Before?
Twice already.

3) Have you Changed the "Lay-out" of the Tat?
Yes! Not only on deep cleans but when I am in the mood and free.

4) Did the Crabs act Differently afterwards?

5) If So, How?
They act more active than usual, but this wears off after an hour. Also, they explore, climb, dig and shell-swap even though the shell was there before.

6) Did you have any deaths shortly after the deep Clean?
No. It Never happened to me before..

7) Did any dig down and Molt Shortly Afterwards?
Yes. Some dig down but don't molt.

8 ) Did they Seem to "Destress"?
Yes. They all go to my coconut, dig under and try to look for shelter under the coral.

9) If they "Destressed" How Long before they returned to "Normal activity"?
It will take about half day for them to go back to normal.

10) Where and How did they seem to Destress?
Shelter and in burrows.

11) Did you switch to a Different Substrate? Or do something different with the Substrate? IE: From all PlaySand to Half PlaySand and Half EE.
No. I used sand all the time. Trying to copy the natural habitat.
