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How wet should my sand be?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:53 pm
by Guest
I know sand should be sandcastle consistency for ISO tanks.

But should my sand be that damp for my normal tank?
im so scared of mollddddd! :shock:

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:21 pm
by Viperfish
Yup, should be that damp for the crabs to make nice tunnels.

Your sand shouldn't mold. :)

IF it gets too wet, stick a brick of EE in their and let it absorb the excess water.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:50 pm
by TheCrabbyTabby
The official statement for a sand to water ratio is and I quote, "Sand Castle Consistency" or wet enough for the crabs to be able to dig tunnels and not have them collapse in on them when they are under. Your sand should also be at least 3 to 4 inches deep or 3 times the height of your biggest crab.

The recommended method to add water to sand, and the method I use, is to make sure all the crabs are up then dump a water bottle sized amount or two to the sand and mix with your hands until the sand is the same consistency the whole way through.

To avoid mold use dechlorinated salt water. The marine salt will act as an anti fungal agent and thus prevent the sand from molding. Regardless, you should always use dechlorinated water when moistening sand as the crabs tend to nibble on some as they move about their environment.