How many people have a 2nd floors

This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.

How many floors do u have

1 floor-The ground
2 floors
3 floors
Total votes: 36

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How many people have a 2nd floors

Post by Guest » Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:51 pm

Just polling on how many people have 2nd floors
And can any give me some advice on what to use to make a 2nd floor for a 10 gal tank

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Post by Crab*Fanci » Sat Apr 25, 2009 2:47 pm

You could find some shower shelves that have suction cups. They sell them at walmart, and home stores. Also some people use nets, if you knit you can knit one. I bought these little baskets that I'm supporting by bamboo poles. Just look in the DIY and Projects section for some good ideas and pictures!
Crabbing Since Feb 09'
Owner of 9 PP's: Fanci, Mirtsie, Clair de Lune, Rhiannon, Louie, and 4 unnamed.

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Post by Guest » Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:52 pm

I have a second floor. It consists of shower caddies and used fisherman's net.

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Post by Guest » Wed May 13, 2009 1:12 am

You all have some great ideas for a second level! I've been interested in making one but i wasn't sure how. I will definitely try that out :] my crabbies need more to climb on than they have now I'm sure but I'm still new at all this =P

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Post by Guest » Thu May 14, 2009 10:00 am

CatieCrab wrote:You all have some great ideas for a second level! I've been interested in making one but i wasn't sure how. I will definitely try that out :] my crabbies need more to climb on than they have now I'm sure but I'm still new at all this =P
There's a bunch of really good second level ideas in the DIY Project List. I love mine created out of a piece of driftwood, my second level/climbing toy (one of the things in the list) and a shower caddy I got from the dollar store. I'll see if I can get some pics for you! :)

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Post by Guest » Thu May 14, 2009 10:40 am

Here's a quick photo of mine i snapped from where I'm sitting. :D I have the net as a large part of my upper level and the other end of the tank has vines and a hemp ladder kinda criss-crossing it so the crabs can go all over and then there's a piece of cork bark in the back that they can climb up to get to everything as well as cholla wood on both ends of the tank.
ImageI try to give them a lot of ways to sneak around! :confused1:
I have a ton of stuff in there and I used to have a shower caddy too but got rid of that for now.


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Post by alkg37 » Mon May 18, 2009 8:53 am

We have a second floor and they love it! It consists of a couple of plastic suction cup soap dishes (shell shops), a 2 level climbing rock, a net, and cholla wood leading up to it all on both sides. We also have fake plants they can use to get up there, and the biggest crab can get up to the screen top and likes to walk around on it upside down! There are always at least 2-4 crabs hiding or wandering around on the second level. Easy way to give them more surface area to wander in. We have the tat in front of a window where they can get some early morning sun and some of them are always "basking" in the morning sunshine.
We have 1 dog, 2 giant african millepedes, a ball python, a fish, 7 beautiful fluffy pet chickens, 8 PP's, and 4 E's. Chickens and crabs should NOT play together.

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Post by Guest » Mon May 18, 2009 10:34 am

Here's a picture of my second level:
