Cleaned out the tank and found some old exo

This is where you discuss the conditions of your crabitat -- temperature, humidity, substrate, decorating, etc.

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Cleaned out the tank and found some old exo

Post by Guest » Sun May 17, 2009 7:39 pm

Today I removed all the sand in my tank and replaced it with new sand. This is the first time I've done a deep clean since I got the crabs, which was in August somewhere. I'm happy to be bug free for the moment. :D And I put in a second level that I built with wood. It's a bit larger than I planned and I hope it doesn't mold fast... but anyway!

While I was digging the old sand out I found a large part of a hermie leg and a few end pieces. I'm not sure if it's an exo or if one of the crabs lost its leg at one point and regrew it. (There was a long period where neither crabs were seen so anything could have happened during that time.) The pieces have tiny hairs on them--- is that normal for shedded exo? In any case, I was wondering if I crushed the pieces and gave it to the crabs in their food, would that be okay? Or should I just toss it since it's months old? I might keep the large piece though cause it's cool. :o

And I'm so sorry for the many threads I've made lately... I promise this will be the last thread I write for a long time. xD

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I find pieces parts too

Post by tojo » Sun May 17, 2009 8:00 pm

Mango, I sift my sand every two weeks. I also find little pieces parts while doing so.
