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My tank cracked!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:22 pm
by MythrilDelight
I am SOOOOOOOOOOO upset!!! My nice 45 gallon tank has a HUGE crack going from one end of the bottom to the other!!

Hubby and I were watching tv and the one day we heard a large cracking sound but thought it was a crabbie hitting the glass...turned out we had a defective UTH and it cracked the WHOLE bottom of my tank...

My large just finished molting (thank god) and my medium was in the process of molting (lost all his colour so far)...I moved him to an ISO tank and covered it with a black pillow case for darkness.

Thank god a friend of ours still has his 40 gallon he's graciously giving me!! But wow what a can of worms...

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:35 pm
by MythrilDelight
Im hoping my medium was in the process of getting ready to molt...or freshly molted...when I saw him he was very very light colour almost looked white washed...

I have him in an ISO tank with 6 inches of sand, honey, shells, waters and a black pillow case on top to keep it dark...the temp is also at 80 degrees. Do they need quiet while molting because I will move him if necessary. Also, is there anything else I should put in the tank with him?

Im hoping he pulls through this...I know it could be traumatizing...

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 10:11 pm
by Silver Buttons
What a disaster! Did the UTH overheat, or what? Hope your crab does okay in the ISO tank.

You might be able to salvage the broken tank by having someone cut a piece of glass to fit in the bottom, place it over the top of the cracked glass, and then seal it in place with aquarium-safe silicon adhesive.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:11 pm
by MythrilDelight
Yea Im thinking the UTH overheated and its not something I can salvage...the crack is deep all the way from one side of the tank to the other...if I lifted the tank up empty it would just crumble...I have another tank coming tomorrow.

Im just not sure if my medium is molting or not...Ive never seen a molting crabbie. He just looked almost white with a light light bit of colour. He'll hafta do a surface molt in the ISO tank but he's well covered. Im hoping he survives.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:38 pm
by SunnyKrab
Sorry to hear about your tank disaster.

And yes, dark and quiet would be the best thing for your guy if he is in the middle of, or just finishing up his molt. The less he is disturbed the better off he will be.

Keeping him in my thoughts.
Let us know how it goes. :)