Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

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Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by FeelingCrabby » Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:29 am

I bought three hermit crabs on February 27th, then three more a couple days later. I do not know how big they are, only that there are two very small ones (small enough to stand on a quarter), two big ones (just too big to stand on a quarter; also the biggest ones PetCo had), with two inbetween. One of the tiny ones immediately hid itself underneath their Crab Island Jungle Bed and we have not seen it crawling since (it is still alive, after a few days I was worried and 'dug' it out to place it near the food. It crawled into their food for awhile, and after a few hours buried itself again). The two bigger ones were always active and crawling, especially if someone was doing something near the tank. The other ones were on-and-off, not really moving but you could hear their shells clanking against the glass at night.

Well, about a week ago we found the other small one (not the one that keeps hiding) dead. I swear I check them multiple times everyday, but he was fallen out of his shell and when we went to pick him up he literally broke apart.

After that the other ones become very inactive. Only one of the big ones moves is seen moving around (usually only when someone is doing something next to their tank) and the other big one stays underneath their 'log' I bought from the pet store, though he is too big to actually be entirely underneath. I assumed he ventured out at night to eat because every day there was a bigger pile of bedding behind him, but now I believe he might've just dug deeper into the bedding and it went behind him. The two medium ones stay underneath the log, and the remaining small stays buried underneath the bedding like always. We never see them move anymore.

I am afraid we're not caring for them right, and that's why they're so inactive and the other one died. We hand-misted their glass tank multiple times a day, whenever their humidity got below 70, and we bought a stick-on heating pad that is on the bottom corner of their tank. Because the house gets really cold at night (usually around 60) and the heat pad didn't work as well as I'd thought, we got out a heat lamp we had before. Definitely not crab-size, but we attached it to the bookshelf about a foot away from the tank and thought it'd be good. (We did this the first day and they seemed perfectly fine.) We feed them whole Hermit Crab Food pellets along with some crushed up ones, a pinch of dried fruit from the same brand and we keep a small mineral block (same brand). They have both Salt Water and Drinking Water.

I checked multiple websites and every one had a different opinion, but we keep their tank between 75 and 80 degrees, and their humidity over 70. But lately it had been dropping to the 50s, so we are having to mist it more and more. A site suggested keeping a cover on it, so we keep a towel over the tank with one corner raised up for air. After that their tank smelled funny whenever you raised the towel completely but we just thought that was how crabs were supposed to smell (the crab tank at the store definitely smelled like it) and we did that around four days after we got them, and they still seemed fine. Their water can last for a couple days at a time, but sometimes I can refresh their water around late at night and then find it's evaporated entirely by afternoon.

I don't know what's happening, but it just seems off that crabs can be very active, and then one dies, and then the others barely move? Is this how crabs normally act and I'm just imagining it's odd, or is there something really wrong? They also seemed very active in the tank in the store, except for the one that's always hiding who came from a different tank we literally thought was empty because all the crabs were hiding under various things.

EDIT: Sorry, just took a look at the receipt and realized we got them from PETCO, not PET SMART. Also, I just read that a heat lamp can actually overheat the crabs, and even though they seemed fine with it the first few weeks I unplugged it and am keeping a close eye on their heat. (Without the heat lamp, it would get it below 70. If that happens again I'm going to turn the lamp back on and inch it further away from the tank until we can get another heat pad.)

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by LadyJinglyJones » Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:06 am

Heya, and welcome to the HCA!! :D

Good to have you aboard!

So, reading your post, several questions come to mind, mostly having to do with tank conditions. So here's the emergency template linked below... it will give other crabbers am idea of what you're working with so we can offer constructive suggestions! :) ... hp?t=46102

Next, I want to warn you not to dig up crabs - even if they aren't fully buried! They hunker down, or dig into the sub for many reasons, often to de-stress. All the transitions through the sub-par conditions of passing through the wild, where they are caught, through shipping & holding in the pet trade before they get to you, can be physically traumatic. That's why we (and other hermit crab groups), don't recommend handling them - they're preyed upon by things like raccoons & birds in the wild, and can't know the difference between you and a predator.

Humidity is a bit low - most crab groups these days recommend humidity & heat in the low eighties.

Their metabolisms are tied to temperature, and at 80°, they tend to move about more.

A towel typically won't keep your humidity up enough - a Plexiglas, glass , or other kind of lid that can be fastened down is better. The crabs won't suffocate - their oxygen needs are different that mammals because they breath through modified gills which are always kept wet - hence the need for higher humidity! :)

A dry towel may even absorb moisture. If you have a screen lid you can seal it with packing/duct tape turned sticky side out.

Here's the care guide, but I think the humidity recommendation is a bit out-dated. 80 % humidity is the new 75. :) ... 51&t=92457

Also, are you familiar with post-purchase syndrome (PPS )? Reading on that: ... 25&t=92531

Finally, the food pages, because I happen the like the food pages - and we don't really recommend crab pellets:

Water: ... 25&t=92553

Safe food list: ... 25&t=92557

Food pyramid: ... 25&t=92554

Hope that helps! There are a tone of resources in the FAQ section!

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by FeelingCrabby » Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:20 am

1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it? T-Rex Crab Island Jungle Bed, they’ve piled it up in some areas since we’ve changed it so in places it’s only half an inch while others are a little bit over an inch-and-a-half.

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read? Yes; upper middle of the tank. Temperature is usually between 75 and 80; humidity varies, as it continuously drops and we have to keep misting. It can be between 50 and 60 in the morning when I wake up, but I try to spray it enough to keep it around 80.

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what? Yes; Zoo Med Hermit Crab Heater, along with an oversized heat lamp we now keep less than a foot away (I now know their temperature needs to be 80, so I’m going to move it closer) before we kept it a foot away.

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)? Both Fresh and Salt; ... SearchID=5 and ... NyYWJzIjt9 My Dad mixed together the water, I didn’t ask but I’m assuming he used what was in the instructions. He used Ozarka bottled water.

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced? Zoo Med Hermit Crab Food pellets, some crushed for the smaller crabs, and sometimes a pinch of Zoo Med Fruit Salad; I replace it every 2-3 days.

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known? Three I have had for 17 days, and three I have had for 15 days; I do not know the species.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen? None have molted while I’ve had them.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing? 10 galleon glass tank, with a ‘cage’ lid (so they cannot crawl out) with a towel draped over it.

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they? 5 crabs. Two are the size of a half-dollar, one is small enough to stand on a quarter, and the other two are in-between.

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any? 6 or 7

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently? No.

12. How often do you clean the tank and how? Remove crabs and things, throw out the bedding, wipe down sides and bottom with wet rag (no cleaner), dry with paper towels, put in new bedding and crabs and things. I’ve been told it you’re supposed to clean it only once a month, so we haven’t cleaned it yet.

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned? Yes; not cleaned, but we have extras to replace the old ones with when we clean the tank.

14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently? 6 shells we bought a few days after the last batch of crabs.

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)? Before they started acting weird, I would reach in and rub their legs, or sometimes pick them up and look at them. I do not bathe them, as a site I researched said they would do that themselves with their water when they felt the need to.

16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail. See first post.

I did not even know they breathed through their gills! Now it seems kind of obvious, though. I don't think we have any duct tape around, but I'll buy some first thing in the morning. Is it okay if I leave the towel on until then? Thanks for all the links!!!
EDIT: I now know the substrate needs to be deeper than I have it now. Do I take the crabs out and add in more? I'm afraid one is molting, though, and I don't want to harm it.

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by Giner13 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:34 am

LadyJinglyJones wrote:Heya, and welcome to the HCA!! :D

Good to have you aboard!

So, reading your post, several questions come to mind, mostly having to do with tank conditions. So here's the emergency template linked below... it will give other crabbers am idea of what you're working with so we can offer constructive suggestions! :) ... hp?t=46102

Next, I want to warn you not to dig up crabs - even if they aren't fully buried! They hunker down, or dig into the sub for many reasons, often to de-stress. All the transitions through the sub-par conditions of passing through the wild, where they are caught, through shipping & holding in the pet trade before they get to you, can be physically traumatic. That's why we (and other hermit crab groups), don't recommend handling them - they're preyed upon by things like raccoons & birds in the wild, and can't know the difference between you and a predator.

Humidity is a bit low - most crab groups these days recommend humidity & heat in the low eighties.

Their metabolisms are tied to temperature, and at 80°, they tend to move about more.

A towel typically won't keep your humidity up enough - a Plexiglas, glass , or other kind of lid that can be fastened down is better. The crabs won't suffocate - their oxygen needs are different that mammals because they breath through modified gills which are always kept wet - hence the need for higher humidity! :)

A dry towel may even absorb moisture. If you have a screen lid you can seal it with packing/duct tape turned sticky side out.

Here's the care guide, but I think the humidity recommendation is a bit out-dated. 80 % humidity is the new 75. :) ... 51&t=92457

Also, are you familiar with post-purchase syndrome (PPS )? Reading on that: ... 25&t=92531

Finally, the food pages, because I happen the like the food pages - and we don't really recommend crab pellets:

Water: ... 25&t=92553

Safe food list: ... 25&t=92557

Food pyramid: ... 25&t=92554

Hope that helps! There are a tone of resources in the FAQ section!

I second LJJ on everything!
I use a screen lid on my tank that is wrapped in a layer of Saran Wrap then tin foil. Help my conditions a lot!!
Also definitely want to toss the "hermit crab" pellets. Those can be some of the worst!!

Sorry to hear of your problems!! Hopefully we can help get ya set straight & everyone happy! :)

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by Giner13 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:35 am

Also with that many crabs you may need a bigger tank! I've got my 2 a new 20gal recently with plans to only add a third.

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by daws409 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:43 am

A lot of things look off. Don't have time to help at moment. Off to take kids to school. Be back shortly...

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by daws409 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:24 am

I marked my thoughts with a D-.
FeelingCrabby wrote:1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it? T-Rex Crab Island Jungle Bed, they’ve piled it up in some areas since we’ve changed it so in places it’s only half an inch while others are a little bit over an inch-and-a-half.

D- Your substrate needs to be a minimum of 6 inches or 3 times your largest crab. Whichever is deeper. It also needs to be sand castle consistency. For substrate you can use straight play sand, straight coco fiber (eco earth= EE), or a combo of both. Many use 5:1 ratio (sand:EE)... I'm not to sure about the jungle bedding just make sure it's not the chunky kind. You want the 'fine' kind that's similar to coffee grinds.

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read? Yes; upper middle of the tank. Temperature is usually between 75 and 80; humidity varies, as it continuously drops and we have to keep misting. It can be between 50 and 60 in the morning when I wake up, but I try to spray it enough to keep it around 80.

D- temp needs to be min of 80. Humidity also needs to be a min of 80. Analog gauges tend to be way off. Digital is better. You can get digital set at Wal-Mart or any hardware store for around $10. Also make sure you calibrate them to be sure they're accurate.

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what? Yes; Zoo Med Hermit Crab Heater, along with an oversized heat lamp we now keep less than a foot away (I now know their temperature needs to be 80, so I’m going to move it closer) before we kept it a foot away.

D- zoomed does little to nothing for heat. is good place to buy UTH. Us grabbers don't use them as suggested. We want to heat the air not the sub. You'll want the biggest that will fit along the back and ABOVE the sub.... Lights zap humidity. I wouldn't use them if you can't keep humidity ABOVE 80.

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)? Both Fresh and Salt; ... SearchID=5 and ... NyYWJzIjt9 My Dad mixed together the water, I didn’t ask but I’m assuming he used what was in the instructions. He used Ozarka bottled water.

D- I can't view the links. All water must be declorinated. Most use prime. Also make sure you're using a marine grade salt such as Instant ocean.... Water dishes should be deep enough for them to fully submerge.

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced? Zoo Med Hermit Crab Food pellets, some crushed for the smaller crabs, and sometimes a pinch of Zoo Med Fruit Salad; I replace it every 2-3 days.

D- the fruit salad us good but most use it as a treat. Toss the pellets - they are bad. Make sure you offer plenty of protein (krill, shrimp, mealworms, grasshoppers, and crickets) and plenty of calcium (cuttlebone, sand dollar, sea urchin, egg/oyster shells). They walk need fruits and veges. They have a food pyramid like we do.

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known? Three I have had for 17 days, and three I have had for 15 days; I do not know the species.

D- more than likely Purple Pinchers. They are most common in US.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen? None have molted while I’ve had them.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing? 10 galleon glass tank, with a ‘cage’ lid (so they cannot crawl out) with a towel draped over it.

D- 5 crabs in this is overcrowded. Ivercrodibg can lead to cannibalism. You want 1 crab per 5 gallons. So with these 5 crabs, you'll need a minimum of 25 gallons.... Screen lid is okay but glass is better at trapping heat/humidity. To make screen lid work, cover it with packing tape (sticky side out), seran wrap, press n seal, or tin foil.

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they? 5 crabs. Two are the size of a half-dollar, one is small enough to stand on a quarter, and the other two are in-between.

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any? 6 or 7

D- you'll want 3-5 shells per crab ranging in sizes and their preferred type.

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently? No.

12. How often do you clean the tank and how? Remove crabs and things, throw out the bedding, wipe down sides and bottom with wet rag (no cleaner), dry with paper towels, put in new bedding and crabs and things. I’ve been told it you’re supposed to clean it only once a month, so we haven’t cleaned it yet.

D- deep cleans aren't needed... You loose beneficial bacteria doing this. Just remove drug away food and poop.

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned? Yes; not cleaned, but we have extras to replace the old ones with when we clean the tank.

D- toss the sponges. They are awful for harboring bacteria. If they're natural, toss them in the tank (not the water) to munch on.

14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently? 6 shells we bought a few days after the last batch of crabs.

D- most thing added to tank has to be cleaned, rinsed, boiled, or baked.

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)? Before they started acting weird, I would reach in and rub their legs, or sometimes pick them up and look at them. I do not bathe them, as a site I researched said they would do that themselves with their water when they felt the need to.

D- this can also stress them out IMO. They are prey animals. We are predators to them.

16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail. See first post.

D- sounds like you're crabs are de-stressing. Them digging at this point is normal. Also, newly purchased crabs are high risk for PPS and can last for 2-3 molts. I read in first post you dug them up. NEVER dig a crab up! This can lead to death.

EDIT: I now know the substrate needs to be deeper than I have it now. Do I take the crabs out and add in more? I'm afraid one is molting, though, and I don't want to harm it.

D- you can add up to an inch of sub every 24 hours. Just add it loosely and don't pack it down.

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by daws409 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:32 am

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by MamaKelly » Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:34 am

I noticed you said that the one broke apart. Did the front part fall off while there was still crab left in the shell?

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by FeelingCrabby » Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:57 pm

I'm afraid I don't have the money OR room to buy a 25 galleon tank. If I add more hidey-holes in their tank would it be okay, or will I need to adopt them out? I feel so bad I honestly do not care if I need to give them away, as long as they don't go back to that store.

I bought the same substrate pet store used in their tanks, I now realize how wrong that was. I'm ordering some Fluker's Hermit Beach Sand Substrate.

I'm afraid I do not know "how" he fell apart. Someone else found him, and said when they picked him up he fell apart. I panicked when I read it could've just been his exoskeleton and asked a dozen questions, but all they'll say is that they're sure he was dead.

The reason I picked Hermit Crabs was because the store said they were the "easiest" pets to keep, "low-maintenance" and that "they love to be handled". I regret not doing more research before purchasing them, and I am NEVER buying another pet from there again.

I got their lid fixed this morning. When I went to check on them they were all in different places, and though I didn't see them move I'm taking it as a good sign.

Going to look for some Instant Ocean, as well as that other heat pad.

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by NLindsey921 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:15 pm

Hermit beach sand is probably gonna be calcium sand which hardens like cement when it gets wet. It's also crazy expensive. For just a few dollars you can get play sand from a hardware store.

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by daws409 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:30 pm

NLindsey921 wrote:Hermit beach sand is probably gonna be calcium sand which hardens like cement when it gets wet. It's also crazy expensive. For just a few dollars you can get play sand from a hardware store.

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Yep! I was getting ready to say that lol.

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by daws409 » Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:36 pm

FeelingCrabby wrote:I'm afraid I don't have the money OR room to buy a 25 galleon tank. If I add more hidey-holes in their tank would it be okay, or will I need to adopt them out? I feel so bad I honestly do not care if I need to give them away, as long as they don't go back to that store.

The reason I picked Hermit Crabs was because the store said they were the "easiest" pets to keep, "low-maintenance" and that "they love to be handled". I regret not doing more research before purchasing them, and I am NEVER buying another pet from there again.
Try LetGo, OfferUp, or CraigsList for used tanks. Search aquarium, reptile tank, terrarium, etc... Remember they don't have to hold water! Many sizes can fit on a coffee/end table or a dresser. (I had a 40B on my dresser -long one with mirror on back.)

Pet stores always gives the wrong info with most animals. Hermit crabs for some reason are the worst... At least you found this site so you can fix things.

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by FeelingCrabby » Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:13 am

"Unlike the calcium carbonate "sand" often sold as hermit crab substrate, this premium blend of natural sand, coconut fiber, calcium carbonate, sea salt mix and probiotics is the superior choice for healthy land hermit crabs. The silica sand packs well and the coconut fiber helps with water retention. Calcium and sea salt replicate the exact sand hermit crabs find in their natural environment. Finally, probiotics (beneficial bacteria) help maintain a clean environment."

It was suggested in one of the help links, but I can't remember which. The above paragraph is the description of the sand.

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Re: Found Crab Dead; Others Acting Weird

Post by LadyJinglyJones » Fri Mar 17, 2017 9:31 am

Hey FeelingCrabby - if it's any consolation, you've just joined a huge club.... the Petstore Misinformed Me & Sold Me the Wrong Stuff Club (PMSMMSMWSC :wink: )

That's why hermit crab groups exist - because countering the complete inaccuracies pedaled by companies that want/need to make easy revenue off cheap pets is the (cynical, and truthfully pretty harsh ) way that the pet industry works.

My biggest beef right now is with ZooMed & All Living Things. .. from hermit branded calcium sand to hamster cages passed off as crab enclosures, to salt water additive that don't taste like salt, to toxic preservatives in their lines of crab food.

Most pet store employees just don't know how to care for crabs - they follow the training they're given.

ZooMed et al. Have research teams & product developers, and with all the info compiled about these lovely animals over the years, I think it's inexcusable that they continue as they do. :banghead:
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