
Please post here if you are having a crab care emergency! Use a real subject and not just "HELP!"
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Post by Bmoyer » Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:58 pm

1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?

5ish/1 sand/coco mixture, ~5" (I would prefer 7-8", but still a work in progress)

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read?

Yes, both, located too high on far side of tank from my heating pad. 75F 78% humidity (I understand those are both on the lower end of acceptable and currently trying to remedy)

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?

10"x25" Vivosun germination/rooting heat mat with temperature controller set to 80F (I use it to germinate tomato seeds for hydroponics, but thought it would be better used to warm these little guys' enclosure)

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?

fresh and salt available, both by Zoomed, mixed according to the bottle

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?

Daily replace lettuce, egg shells, and the dry hermit crab pellets from Zoomed (attempting to introduce new food sources based on the reading I've been doing here)

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?

Had since May 12th, pretty sure its a PP.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?

It appears my streaker molted, had many crab exo pieces near where he was dug in. Appears he was booted from his shell and now refuses to enter any of the others. Ordered around 20 mexican turbo shells that should arrive soon, maybe one of them will strike his/her fancy)

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?

10 gallon fish tank, has the screen lid that Zoomed thinks crabs should have. Added my germination dome on top to up my humidity from 60 to 78%. (Working on getting a 40 or 55 gallon tank to give them the proper housing they need)

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?

3, they are all slightly smaller than a nickle (I know 10 gallons is not enough space for the 3 of them, working on that)

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?

There is currently 7 extras in the tank (Not enough, but remedying that when my new ones arrive)

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?

Nothing other than the earthy smell from the coco and sand.

12. How often do you clean the tank and how?

Just cleaned it on 6/3

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?

They were until I did some more reading, they are now gone and the water was made fresh.

14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently?

Other than boiled shells and new attempts for food, no.

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?


16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.

The most active crab (Grenninja, named after a pokemon by my 8 year old) seems to have molted, lots of exo parts in the hole when she/he climbed out. The other 2 crabs are missing no limbs or claws, and my recent molter has all his/her limbs and claws. She/He has always been the most active of the 3 and is still extremely mobile. I believe following the molt there was a shell dispute, with Zygarde (another pokemon..) and Grenninja lost its shell. This was 2 days ago, and still refuses to take a new one, and bails out of any I try to convince it to take over. Still as active as ever, just buries itself mostly in the sand with its head sticking up. Has been eating and swimming in the salt pool. Everything I have been reading says I should be very worried about it, but seems to be liking the freedom of not having a shell. I am at a loss and could really use some advice.


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Re: Streaker

Post by Bmoyer » Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:04 pm


That's my rookie tank setup. And my streaker watching me.

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Re: Streaker

Post by GotButterflies » Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:21 pm

Hello. I did GB for GotButterflies. Crab needs to be reshelled ASAP. Gently rinse crab and shell in freshwater of the tank. Gently unroll the abdomen and back him into the shell.
Bmoyer wrote:1. What kind of substrate is used in your tank and how deep is it?

5ish/1 sand/coco mixture, ~5" (I would prefer 7-8", but still a work in progress)

GB: Minimum recommended is 6" or 3 times the height of your largest crab (whichever is deeper). It should also be mixed with either dechlorinated freshwater or dechlorinated marine saltwater to make it sandcastle consistency.

2. Do you have gauges in the tank to measure temperature and humidity? If so, where are they located and what temperature and humidity do they usually read?

Yes, both, located too high on far side of tank from my heating pad. 75F 78% humidity (I understand those are both on the lower end of acceptable and currently trying to remedy)

GB: Humidity needs to be a minimum of 80. Hermit crabs have modified gills and need the humidity to breathe. What kind of gauge do you have? Walmart sells a gauge called Acurite for $8. It's digital and tells you temp & humidity for current as well as high and low for last 24 hours. I have them in all three of my crabitats. What is your heat? Heat should be minimum of 80. I don't let mine go above 85.
To get humidity up you can get glass tops, or put press n seal or saran wrap over your mesh top, add a moss pit, or add air stones to your water pools.

3. Is a heat source used in the tank? If so, what?

10"x25" Vivosun germination/rooting heat mat with temperature controller set to 80F (I use it to germinate tomato seeds for hydroponics, but thought it would be better used to warm these little guys' enclosure)

GB: Not familiar with this. Where is it? We use heating mats to heat the air. We keep them on the back of our tanks above the substrate. I'm wondering if your crabitat is too hot. Sometimes these guys ditch their shells if it gets too hot. You really need a thermometer.

4. What types of water are available (fresh or salt) and how is the water treated (what brands of dechlorinator or salt mix and what ratio is used to mix it)?

fresh and salt available, both by Zoomed, mixed according to the bottle

GB: Okay, you have the incorrect salt water. Zoomed salt water is not marine saltwater. You need to be able to mimic ocean water. Zoomed hermit crab salt is, sorry to say...worthless. A lot of hermit crab marketed stuff is garbage. Toss it. Most of us use Instant Ocean. Instant Ocean contains the essential trace minerals they need for survival. I believe I was told the Zoomed water conditioner was safe. Most of us use Prime. You need something that removes chlorine, chloramine and neutralizes ammonia and heavy metals. Pools should also be deep enough for them to fully submerge in and safely be able to get out of.

5. What kinds of food do you feed and how often is it replaced?

Daily replace lettuce, egg shells, and the dry hermit crab pellets from Zoomed (attempting to introduce new food sources based on the reading I've been doing here)

GB: Unless it is kale, spinach or romaine the lettuce is just water. Hermit crabs are also really sensitive to pesticides and fertilizers, so you need to try to feed organic when possible. Once again, hermit crab marketed products are not good. I'll give you a few lists to check out. They can eat a lot of things that we do, just without seasoning. Make it fun :)
Safe food list: ... 25&t=92557
Unsafe food list: ... 25&t=92557
Food Pyramid: ... 25&t=92554
Commercial Food List: ... 25&t=92555

6. How long have you had the crab and what species is it, if known?

Had since May 12th, pretty sure its a PP.

7. Has your crab molted, and how long ago did it happen?

It appears my streaker molted, had many crab exo pieces near where he was dug in. Appears he was booted from his shell and now refuses to enter any of the others. Ordered around 20 mexican turbo shells that should arrive soon, maybe one of them will strike his/her fancy)

GB: He needs to be reshelled asap. Adressed above. They cannot survive without a shell. Make sure crab is isolated with exo pieces so he can finish them.

8. What type of housing are the crabs kept in, what size is it and what kind of lid is on the housing?

10 gallon fish tank, has the screen lid that Zoomed thinks crabs should have. Added my germination dome on top to up my humidity from 60 to 78%. (Working on getting a 40 or 55 gallon tank to give them the proper housing they need)

GB: Bigger house would be great! They would love that! I'm not sure what the germination dome is. You are overcrowded with three in a 10 gallon.

9. How many crabs are in the tank and about how large are they?

3, they are all slightly smaller than a nickle (I know 10 gallons is not enough space for the 3 of them, working on that)

10. How many extra shells are usually kept in the tank, if any?

There is currently 7 extras in the tank (Not enough, but remedying that when my new ones arrive)

GB: The HCA recommends 3-5 shells per crab. I personally recommend more. Here is the shell guide: ... 24&t=92552

11. Have there been any fumes or chemicals near the crabitat recently?

Nothing other than the earthy smell from the coco and sand.

12. How often do you clean the tank and how?

Just cleaned it on 6/3

GB: You really just need to scoop poo and scattered food :)

13. Are sponges used in the water dish? If so, how are they cleaned?

They were until I did some more reading, they are now gone and the water was made fresh.

14. Has anything new been added to your crabitat recently?

Other than boiled shells and new attempts for food, no.

15. Is there any other information you would like to share that might be helpful (anything that is regularly part of your crab care, playtime, bathing, etc.)?


16. Please describe the emergency situation in detail.

The most active crab (Grenninja, named after a pokemon by my 8 year old) seems to have molted, lots of exo parts in the hole when she/he climbed out. The other 2 crabs are missing no limbs or claws, and my recent molter has all his/her limbs and claws. She/He has always been the most active of the 3 and is still extremely mobile. I believe following the molt there was a shell dispute, with Zygarde (another pokemon..) and Grenninja lost its shell. This was 2 days ago, and still refuses to take a new one, and bails out of any I try to convince it to take over. Still as active as ever, just buries itself mostly in the sand with its head sticking up. Has been eating and swimming in the salt pool. Everything I have been reading says I should be very worried about it, but seems to be liking the freedom of not having a shell. I am at a loss and could really use some advice.

GB: Salt needs to be replaced with Marine salt asap. Try putting the hermit crab in a coffee cup with a shell that is rinsed off in the freshwater of the tank. Also give the crab organic raw honey, calcium and protein.

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Re: Streaker

Post by GotButterflies » Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:29 pm

Awe, that is sad. Cute hermit. Definitely need to get him reshelled asap! It could also be that he is still weak from the molt - as he is really pale. Are there any injuries to his abdomen? That could be why he doesn't want to take a shell -

Can you isolate him and give him the rest of his exoskeleton? He needs to be able to eat that! You can use a 2 liter bottle, cut the bottom off, take the top of it off for air exchange, and then push it down into the substrate so that others don't reach him - but he needs a shell.
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Re: Streaker

Post by Giner13 » Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:50 pm

Make sure you definitely get sub & conditions remedied soon as possible :)
Be sure the water is dechlorinated. Also best option for salt water is Instant Ocean, easily found at any pet store.
For sure get rid of pellets!!

ISO the streaker if you can with post molt foods & access to both types of water. If you can attempt to reshell the little goober!! I know I may have echoed GB above :)

Come on little guy get in a shell!!ImageImage

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Post by Bmoyer » Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:06 pm

Ok, he is reshelled of his own accord. The shell he is in is way too small for him though. Working on the food and water situation. Gave him baby spinach, egg shells and some meal worm. He is isolated from the other 2 for the moment.

Silly question, does he realize it's too small and will upgrade when I provide some better options than the 4 I gave him?

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Re: Streaker

Post by GotButterflies » Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:09 pm

Yes. He may be too weak to carry a heavier shell. Give him time. :)
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Re: Streaker

Post by GotButterflies » Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:11 pm

Are you able to give him the exoskeleton he had left from his molt? That would be great for him. If not, give him raw organic honey, protein (shrimp, crickets, mealworms, chicken, krill..etc) and calcium (eggshell, oyster shell, cuttlebone)
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Re: Streaker

Post by Bmoyer » Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:16 pm

I still have it, my son was fascinated by it. Not knowing that they eat it I would have thrown it out otherwise. Thank goodness for the curiosity of my little dude.

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Re: Streaker

Post by GotButterflies » Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:18 pm

Bmoyer wrote:I still have it, my son was fascinated by it. Not knowing that they eat it I would have thrown it out otherwise. Thank goodness for the curiosity of my little dude.

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Great! He might not eat it, but rinse it off in dechlorinated fresh water and give it to him. They usually don't eat the big pincher. He needs the nutrients from all of it. :)
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Re: Streaker

Post by Giner13 » Mon Jun 05, 2017 9:50 am

And once he gains strength, he may molt again before changing to a bigger shell....or vice versa. They're funny little goobers in the order they decide to do things.

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